Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Beautiful Mystery...!

Ever so often, something is found that defies all explanation. That's the case with these caves in China. Pretty to look at, but why are they there?

Longyou Caves

The Longyou Caves of China are not natural formations. They appear to have been carved out of the soft sandstone more than 2,200 years ago, during the Qin Dynasty, approximately 212 BCE. The cave system is impressively large…covering more than 320,000 square feet in twenty-four different caves. Some of the caves, in fact, are nearly 100 feet in height.

The caves are not simple holes in the ground. There are carved bridges, pillars, pools, and steps. Intriguingly, there are also carved symbols chiseled all around the caves, on the ceilings, pillars, and walls. The purpose of the cave system is unknown. And there is no textual evidence to the caves’ existence, who built them, and why.

While we all love a good mystery, there are many times that our minds just scream out for some kind of explanation. This may just be one of those times.

Coffee inside again today. Still raining outside, I'm afraid.


  1. Carved... that is something! Why? My guess is someone wanted it and so it was...

  2. Hey Gorge...
    Sure took some work, huh?
    Thanks for stopping in this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Guess it was one of those "make it so" moments, right?
    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Another mystery lost to the sands of time.

    It's a two cup of coffee morning. We have a freeze warning. Brrrrrr. Supposed to warm up, but right now it's time to brew more coffee.

  4. Wow! How could someone carve them. Rain stopped here, but the humidity levels are in the 90% . Yuck!

  5. Hey Sixbears...
    Freeze warnings already? Still fighting temps in the 90s here in the deep south.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    They must have had to really work at it. Certainly couldn't have been an easy task.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  6. That is so beautiful! But yes why and how will always be the thought on this.

    I hope your fairing well with all the rain. We are going to get the tail end of the storm late Sat - Monday. But you know how that goes. See you all in the kitchen

  7. I agree with the rest...gorgeous, but why? I know you have way to much rain, but we could sure use some.

  8. Hey Jo...
    I agree that the why will more than likely always be a mystery. Maybe it's best that way.
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Believe me, I could use a little respite from the wet stuff.
    Thanks for the visit this morning.

  9. Can't imagine how much work was involved in creating them.

  10. Probably to live in the cave to get away from prehistoric animals i.e. dinosaurs and such. Native Americans tell of human eating giants lived in our world once and the Natives built homes in cliff sides that are seen to this day.

  11. Reminds me of the pre-Egyptian pyramid caves in Ireland - beautiful, but why are they there and who made them?

    Big hugs ~
