Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A Really Big Mushroom...!

Up until now, you only thought that you had seen a big mushroom at one time. Unless you caught a glimpse of this bad boy, you were wrong!

One of the world’s biggest living things is a mushroom.

There’s a giant network of honey mushrooms spread across 2,200 acres of Oregon that’s more than 1,500 years old, and it strangles trees from underground by cutting off their nutrient and water supply. Scientists call it ‘The Humongous Fungus.’

I can see why it has the nickname that it does. If you want to see and read more about this rascal, here is a good link.

Coffee in the kitchen again today!


  1. Holy cow! That is one big and very old mushroom.

  2. Mushrooms are amazing.

    Another cool morning here in the north. A Sumata dark roast sort of morning.

  3. Hey Gorges...
    It really is, isn't it?
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Pretty amazing, that's for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Mushrooms are the ultimate survivors, I reckon.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  4. Wow..I would like to see that...Save me a seat:))

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Best seen from a plane or chopper, I think.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. Never new about these mushrooms,and they can actually kill trees to feeding off them. Aways something new to be learn here.

    It's a little nice here this morning windows open with fans on I know by 8 am it will be over and the a/c will come on. See you all in the kitchen

  7. Hey Jo...
    Just trying to keep things interesting, sweetie.
    Many thanks for dropping by this morning!

  8. Mushrooms feed of most anything, dead or alive. They are Nature's garbage disposal units. And many of them are great eating but some of them can kill you
