Friday, September 13, 2019

Creepy Spider For Freaky Friday...

Just when you think you have seen nearly all of them, along comes another creepy spider! Thanks so much, Mother Nature!


Photo credit: Charles Griswold, Tracy Aidicio, Joel Ledford

Not since 1890 has a newly discovered spider in America required a new genus, family, and species to classify it. Meet the trogloraptor, living proof that there are very few places on land, regardless of condition, that a spider cannot call home. This handsome guy was discovered in late summer 2012 living in cave systems in Oregon.

This spider, unlike any other, has special serrated talons at the end of each arm. This trait is where it gets its charming name, which means “cave robber.” When it was found, it was using these talon arms to suspend itself from the cave ceiling by a strand of its own silk.

As of now, there are theories that it could be a relative to the goblin spider, but very little so far is known about these cave dwellers. Attempts to feed the captured specimens have failed, showing that they prefer a specific diet. This spider is so alien to us that even what they eat remains a mystery.

The good news is that this spider was found way over in Oregon. The bad news is that Oregon is still in the U.S.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. That is really creepy, especially If you happen to live in Oregon...Aother 90+ degree day expected here, but a quick visit to the patio will be nice...thanks for the invite and Havre a good weekend:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    I have to agree that the folks in Oregon are welcome to this critter...better them than me, ya know?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I guess as long as you don't hang out in the caves your safe. Creepy spiders are really bad this year.

    Patio sounds wonderful beautiful morning here, but it will warm up plenty by 9 am

  4. When I was a kid, I used to catch spiders and keep them in a cage I made, then would catch insects to feed them. I guess, looking back on it, I was just a little strange. . .

  5. Hey Jo...
    I stay away from caves for the most part. Creepy enough around my neighborhood.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I reckon you turned out OK in the long run.
    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!
