Monday, September 9, 2019

The Mysterious Train Trip...!

Here is a tale that is a bit different than what we normally have. It involves a mysterious train trip. Here from Listverse is the story as we know it.

The Disappearance Of Andrew Gosden

One of the strangest British missing persons cases of recent memory involves a 14-year-old boy named Andrew Gosden. In 2007, Andrew lived with his parents and sister in Doncaster. On the morning of September 14, he seemingly left for school as usual. But he never arrived and his parents realized something was very wrong when they discovered his school uniform in his bedroom later that day.

Apparently, after his family left the house that morning, Andrew returned home to change his clothes. He then emptied his bank account of £200 before arriving at Doncaster station, where he purchased a train ticket to King’s Cross station in London. He would be captured on CCTV footage there at approximately 11:20 AM. That was the last confirmed sighting of him.

Since Andrew had no known problems, his family were completely baffled by his inexplicable decision to travel to London. He left no note behind to explain his actions and took very few items with him. The strangest detail is that Andrew insisted on purchasing a one-way train ticket, even after he was informed that a return ticket would only cost £1 more.

One year after Andrew’s disappearance, an unidentified man spoke into the intercom at the doorway to Leominster Police Station in Hertfordshire, claiming to have information about the case. When an officer arrived to answer the door, the man had disappeared. After more than seven years, there is still no trace of Andrew Gosden or any explanation for his mysterious train trip.

This whole thing sounds like a true mystery to me. I can only guess as to the reason the young man decided to disappear that day, but I do hope that he didn't put himself in harm's way.

Once more in the kitchen for coffee. I'm ready for some cooler weather.


  1. That is a mystery for sure. Temps here have been pretty cool, but they are suppose to be above average this week. The kitchen is always nice too:))

  2. That is very unusual behavior for a 14 year old; unless abuse was involved. Very strange . Kitchen sounds great as we have cool temps here this morning and rain.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    I don't mind the cooler temps in the mornings right now. In fact, I welcome them.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    It does indeed sound unusual to me.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Kid took himself on an adventure, hope he is OK.

    This morning its 74 with matching humidity. It will heat up and hope burn off the humidity but it hasn't in a couple of days so see you in the kitchen

  5. Hey Jo...
    Sounds like the adventure might have gotten out of hand.
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

  6. Hey Rob...
    Guess that's very possible.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
