Tuesday, November 12, 2019

All Together Now, Boys...!

Nature sure can come up with some things we just can't understand. This case of the Fireflies is certainly one of them. Here is the story from Listverse.

Synchronous Fireflies

If you walk along the bank of Thailand’s Mae Klong river at night, you might witness one of the most incredible visual displays in nature—tens of thousands of fireflies blinking in perfect unison. Nobody knows why they do it, just that it’s part of their mating ritual.

But the real mystery is how they’re able to synchronize their pulsing lights. It’s a localized communication that spreads through the swarm like ripples in a pond—if you were to watch the light show from the beginning, you’d see it start with just a handful of fireflies, who found the right rhythm. From that small pocket, the rhythm sweeps through the rest of the population, until they’re all perfectly synchronized. What was chaos becomes machine-like precision.

It’s not just Thai fireflies that do it, either. The same phenomenon has been seen everywhere from Japan to Texas. All we know is that it’s a male-exclusive behavior.

It's almost like these guys are just showing off, ya know? Sure must be something to see, though.

Coffee inside again this morning!


  1. What an incredible sight to see. I have never even heard of the before. Thanks for sharing. Bitter cold here this AM 9 degrees with a minus 7 wind chill. Now I know somehow i didn't move to northern Alaska, so why is it soooooo cold on November 12? I have got to move south!!!

  2. Hey Linda...
    I would certainly move south if I were you. That is just way too cold for my old bones.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    It is pretty amazing, isn't it? Always something new with Mother Nature.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. That must be so amazing to be there and see it all.

    Windy here today but not to chilly yet guess I better set up an appt. to get the furnace turned on. Sounds like the kitchen is the place to be this morning.

  4. Hey Jo...
    I reckon it is a sight to behold. The cold is on the way, so get that furnace turned on!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  5. They have synchronized fireflies in NC too.

  6. Hey Rob...
    Now that is something I didn't know.
    Thanks for the visit today!
