Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hate To Say This...!

I am going to take a break from posting for a while. The reason...I sold my house and am in the process of moving. I don't have a lot, but getting all settled in at a new place may take some time. I'm sure you all know how it goes...right?

I have no idea when I'll be back or if I will even continue to blog daily. Started out to be fun, but it may be time to hang it up. We'll just have to see how it goes, ya know? If possible I may be set up enough to begin posting again from the new place.

Sorry, but after today there won't be any more coffee served on the patio. That kinda makes me sad!


  1. Of course you have to do what's best for you...but I have come to love our daily visits, and you will be missed!!!! My prayers go with you my friend!!!

  2. We moved for the LAST time about 3 years ago. Never AGAIN-!!
    (I'm too old for that)
    Please stay in touch from time to time. We've enjoyed your blog.

  3. Good luck with your move and your new house. I will really miss our daily visits, your fantastic posts and coffee on the patio. I hope you don't give up on blogging as I would really miss them. My thoughts and prayers go with you.

  4. God bless and best wishes for the future. I felt a bit of a shock run through me when I read your post. As of Nov. 17th, I announced I will no longer be blogging, either. Again, stay safe and happy and God bless.

  5. Oh my you know I care deeply for the friendship we started so many years ago when I was going through something that was so difficult. But sometimes we have to do things that will make our life a little less complicated. You have given us so many entertaining matterial and lessons.
    Take care My Special Friend and an e-mail ever now and then to keep us in touch. Or a blog every now then. Be happy always.

  6. We all have our own paths & moving does seem to be part of it, I hope this part of your path goes well.
    Blogging (IMO) should be fun or profitable, too much work otherwise! I greatly admire you folks who can do the daily blogging, I can't.

    No patio? Good luck with that! :-)

    I'll be here when you get back, good luck with your move!

  7. Oh man! I will miss your posts. You know what's best for you. Just remember your blog was enjoyed by many.

  8. And Happy Birthday, Bubba!! See you in the new digs, soon.

    Many thanks for the blogs. I, too will Miss them, but at least I can still visit in person ~

    Big hugs ~

  9. HJ thanks for the fun of the past. Be forewarned that if a new blog entry pops up I will be on it quicker that a hungry bullfrog on a June bug.

  10. Can't stop looking everyday to see if there is any word from you. Coffee in the kitchen was always good too:))

  11. So sorry you are leaving, if only for a while. Just found you a few months ago and have truly enjoyed your posts.
    All the best on the move!

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  17. Dear Friends and Family,
    It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that on Monday, March 15, Hermit Jim passed away. I'm writing on behalf of his family - his sister asked that I let you know. Although he hadn't been blogging much, of late, he valued this connection to you - his blog, and the people who read, followed, commented on, and shared it were as much a part of him as coffee, cats, and a wry laugh at the world we live in.

    He will be missed.

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