Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I think we all look foward to the family traditional favorites this time of year. Favorite main dish, favorite sides, and of course....favorite desserts! One thing bothers me, though....whatever happened to Gingerbread?
You just don't seem to see gingerbread much cookies, no bars, and saddest of all, no gingerbread men with raisin eyes! Gingerbread is definitely one of those dishes that scream for fresh, hot coffee or cold, cold milk. Natural biscuits and gravy, peanut butter and jelly, cold bedsheets and warm quilts. You get the idea....
I really miss gingerbread, fresh from the oven and spread with butter! (no calories there!) I think I'll take my coffee cup to the patio, sit for awhile and maybe if I try hard enough I will get a whiff of someone baking some cute little gingerbread men with raisin eyes.....maybe!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate...and don't forget to say a prayer of thanks for all the soldiers that are unable to be home this season, ok? ok!

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