Tuesday, January 22, 2008

75 and sunny...

Mother Nature is trying to either make us think that Spring is coming early...or is playing a Hugh practical joke on all of us! No matter the reason, I'll take it! I even went from a sweatshirt to my worn out t-shirt and was perfectly comfortable outside...until the clouds came in and the drizzle started! Always something, huh?

Blondie and J.S. have started a fun little contest on their blogs. Has to do with the many reasons that we should enjoy working at home! Why don't you jump on over to their sites and take a look...can't hurt, and we all need a little fun once in a while!

Speaking of working at home...10dollarswonder and e2epay sre still rocking right along! I'm glad to say that FastProfitPro is moving along as well! I certainly can't complain and plan to stay involved with these programs for a while!

Gonna finish the post tonight with a video I found of a beautiful classical guitar piece...and it's played by a true master! Wonderful to listen to...enjoy! By the way, fresh coffee after the music, OK?

Right after posting tonight I recieved the news that FastProfitPro went belly-up! A true bummer , so I will be removing them from my list and from my mind. Knew it would happen, but it's still always a dissapointment to see a program go down so fast. Another reminder to never play with the rent money!

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