Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday and Cold...

A little chilly in the big city today...windy and hanging in the 40's. That's about our typical winter weather here on the 3rd coast. Not too bad, considering the weather the folks up North are getting.

Was just thinking today about what a great vehicle the Web is for meeting new friends. I have several net friends today that I've had for a couple of years. I probably know more about my web friends than I do most of my off-line ones...and I certainly trust them as much if not more!

Funny how you just automatically seem to trust some folks. Others you just know right off that you can't trust 'em. Is it because it's easier to trust folks you don't see face to face? Could it be that having a built in safety zone makes things seem safer or more comfortable? I don't think so...

For me it's just as satisfying to talk to Web friends because they have the option of ignoring me altogether, or telling me to get lost without a physical confrontation or face off. Anyway, I like my friends...and I like my lifestyle...and I like being left pretty much sue me.

Gonna have some coffee now...I did remember to go get some this morning so I'm set! Have a good one, OK?

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