Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday ...are you sure?

I seem to lose track of time more and more lately...don't know why, though. I must be distracted or something. I can't imagine that age has anything to do with it, ya know? You can stop laughing now, ok?

Warm today in the big the 70's, sunny, and beautiful until it started to rain this afternoon. Still raining tonight, although not hard. Just enough to make me sleepy. But then again, it doesn't take a lot to make me sleepy anymore. Wonder why that is? Again with the laughing...???

Is anyone paying any attention to the political races going on? If so, maybe you can explain it all to me...I will admit to being totally ignorant about politics. I don't understand why a bunch of rich guys I've never met would spend millions to win a job that only pays about $50,000 or so a year! Seems a little strange to me...that's all.

Oh well...I'll let the more political savvy people out there worry about this stuff. I'll stick to the REALLY important things, like getting a new coffee pot...trying the newest coffee by Folgers...and planning all the things I have planned for the Spring. Want a fresh cup of Java...?

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