Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday Night Special...

"There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past."
George Carlin

Let me tell you about TrafficEra. If you are going to surf for credits, this site makes it so much more using a feature called Team Talk. After you join, you can join a team of other surfers and while surfing, you can chat together on a sidebar. Not nearly as boring as other surfing sites...

It's pouring down rain here in the big city...lots of lightning, wind, thunder and such. Very muggy since the temperature is in the 70's. Typical Texas winter weather...

Back in a minute...gotta check something!

OK...I'm back. Seems I just got some referrals in both e2ePay and in 10DollarsWonder. Folks, I hope you are playing in these two programs. They pay regularly and show all the signs of being a couple of long lasting winners. At least take a look if you haven't already, ok?

Well, coffee time for me! See ya later! Have a good night, ok? ok!

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