Thursday, February 28, 2008

Time and Making Money...

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg

What I wanted to say something about tonight is about managing your time. Sounds easy, huh? Well, let's take a look at what can happen if you aren't careful and plan ahead. This happens more than you can imagine...

You get a recommendation from a friend to join a program that seems to be a solid, well paying program. You join and start to advertise the program in all of your usual places. Then you get wind of another good program, and do the same thing. You join, start advertising, along with the other programs you are already working. After several more realize that you are spending more and more time placing ads. In order to get all the ads placed, you start cutting back on where you place the ads and maybe even on the quality of the ads. Your recruiting drops off as do your sales. You are suddenly making less money and spending more time to do it! It seems to be an endless trap...and it is!

My suggestion to you is NOT to join more programs than you can effectively support. Take the time to really place quality advertising, and put these ads in places that will get the traffic you need. Traffic that will lead to sales...and please, track your ads so that you know which are working and where! Fewer programs worked properly can be much more effective than a lot of programs done poorly. Trust me...I know where of I speak.

So much for the preaching tonight. Just wanted to get that said...ok? Mom and my sister "B" went shopping today for a few things. They spent about 6 hours out and came back empty handed...they told me they did order a couple of things, so that made it seem a little better. I think the real reason for the outing was to have a good visit. And that's a good thing...

Well, I think it's time for some fresh coffee...wanna join me?


  1. Good advice Jim.
    Sometimes less is better.
    As long as it produces what we need, right?
    Enjoy your family visit,

  2. Thanks, Blondie...I had to learn the hard way, and it has been a lesson I won't forget. Always glad to have you drop by...
