Thursday, February 7, 2008

Update for Today...

This weather is going nuts here...40's yesterday and 70's today! No wonder that so many people around here are sick! I'm switching from sweats to t-shirts almost hourly some days! Pretty wild!

Was just visiting with my team members while we were surfing on TrafficEra. Nice site cause you can team up, chat while surfing, and earn points in other ways as well. Makes a good place to advertise, ya know? You might want to take a look...

As usual, e2epay and 10dollarswonder are rolling right along! You just gotta LUV these 2 programs...I do!

The newest one seems to be really paying off for my sponsor and her turn is next! Will you be wise enough to join us in PrivateMillionaire? Despite the hype...and despite the seemingly extravagent is working! So maybe you should take a look, ask a few questions, then join us in this program. But it's your choice...just depends on how much you want to control your financial future!

I'm gonna go surf some more and then play at NetWinners...won 12,500 points there yesterday! I'm nearly $75 to the good for the week...and that's playing for free! So much to little time! (I'm smiling a LOT!)

Coffee time...want some?

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