Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sweet Time Of The Year...

No, I'm not talking about taxes...but Easter! Besides the religious celebrations going on around Easter, it is the biggest time of the year for one of my favorite of all foods...Chocolate! Now to me, chocolate is a food group of it's own, just like coffee!

No matter where you go, what kind of store you shop, what drug store you visit you see lots and lots of Chocolate! Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, sweet and semi-sweet chocolate! And the shapes!!! Chocolate eggs, drops, squares, bars, nuggets, kisses, truffles, sprinkles, powders and more. You have chocolate covered everything...from fruit to cake and pastry to nuts! Chocolate comes bagged, boxed, in tins, wrapped in parchment, or in foil of every color you can imagine!

Chocolate also can be used to make some of the most versatile sauces in the world! Fondue, dipping sauce, ice cream topping, and sauce for turning regular milk into chocolate milk....these are but a few of the wonderful uses of this marvelous sauce! But have you ever had Chocolate Gravy? That's right, chocolate gravy! It's great on biscuits and toast...and anything else you can think of! Talk about comfort food...this is the CHAMP!

While there are many, many versions of this recipe I have put one common version below. I hope you try it and enjoy it!

# 1 cup granulated sugar or Splenda sugar substitute
# 1 tablespoon butter
# 1 1/2 cups milk
# 2 tablespoons flour
# 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a heavy saucepan with a whisk.
Using a whisk blends everything better than a spoon. Stir in the milk.
2. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly. Remove the pot
when the mixture is thick like pudding.
3. Add the butter. Stir in until completely melted. Serve over biscuits
with a teaspoon of butter dolloped on top.

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