Thursday, April 3, 2008

It Is Really Spring Going On Summer...

As you can see, Amy the Cat is enjoying the warm weather while hiding behind the ivy so that the Mockingbirds don't see her! They love to dive bomb her when she is out in the yard...especially when they are trying to teach the young ones to fly.

I took this picture a couple of days ago and ever since the weather has only become warmer. Of course, here that also means rain or at the very least showers. But that's OK...we can't complain about the weather too much as some poor folks across the country are being blasted!

Took my monthly trip down to the V.A. hospital today to have the blood test done. Gotta make sure that the levels of blood thinner are good. Too thin...blood won't clot properly if you get a cut or bruise and internal bleeding is possible. Too thick...blood clots too easily and you may have a clot form in a place like the legs and then break loose, travel to the brain and WHAM...instant stroke!

I don't like to take medicine or drugs...aspirin has always been the Hero in my book. However, now I'm not supposed to take aspirin cause it makes my blood too thin when taken with Coumadin. Being a dummy, I asked why I couldn't stay on the aspirin and stop taking the Coumadin...and was told that aspirin was not good for me! Really...?? Wonder if anyone has told the FDA about that! I still sneak one once in awhile if I need it and no one is watching...

Sometimes I think I would be better off if I hadn't stopped drinking's like Willie Nelson said in a song " There's more old drunks than there are old doctors...!!"

Oh well, as long as no one tries to make me give up coffee I think I'll survive! In fact, think I'll make a fresh pot right now! Want to join me in a cup?


  1. As always, enjoyed your post and gave me much needed chuckle :)
    You tell a good story.
    Maybe I need one of those aspirins for my leg cramp eh? lol

    And I love Amy the Cat!!!!
    She's gorgeous!

    I have Magpies here that dive bomb one of the cats when he's outside. They hate him but it's pretty funny to watch.

    Have a good day,

  2. Hey...Blondie! Thanks for the comment and for dropping by! Always a pleasure...Yeah, Amy is supposed to be my Mom's cat, but thinks that she is my running buddy. She comes over to visit all the time and acts glad to see me when I visit. If I were you, I would definitely try an aspirin for the cramp...or any pain. Make sure it is aspirin and NOT something like Tylenol,Advil or one of those wanna-be things.
