Friday, June 13, 2008

Quick Friday Update...

Sorry to anyone that came here early on to read an updated post. I am running behind today, but wanted to get this update posted. I will come back later with another post that has more meat on it's bones, but this will have to do for now.

10DollarsWonder...this program continues to be my most active and my most respected program for one reason. It just continues to work. In fact, I just bought another position this morning. I have cycled a total of 2119 times since joining, and I intend to stay here for a long time.

DRW...this is another program I'm in that quietly continues to perform just as expected and so far has not let me down. I am purchasing another position in DRW today, using the profits from previous purchases to buy the new ones. Gotta love playing with profits.

TrafficEra...continues to be my favorite place to surf for advertising credits just because it affords me the opportunity to use the Team Talk feature to chat with my Net friends as we surf. This can make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable and you will find it easier to stay longer, thus earning more credits to promote with.

Clixsense...this one is the only paid to click program I am still involved with for one reason. I get paid from them every month without fail. It is not hard to go to the site and click on the ads enough each day to add up to a paycheck each month, even though it may be a small one. I, however, have never turned down money just because it wasn't a large enough amount.

I am very happy with a Private program I recently became involved with, but I really can't talk about it here as they don't allow advertising. However, if you would like to find out more information, feel free to contact me via e-mail and I can discuss it with you.

Well, that's all for now on this small and quick update. I am off now to attend to some PC maintenance and to repair the damage done around here the past couple of days by my two furry "roomies"! I will try and come back later with a better post, OK?

Happy Friday...and let's get some fresh coffee!


  1. Good Update Jim :)
    And on a Friday the 13th no less, lol
    Have a fun day,

  2. Hey Blondie...OMG!!! I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th!!! I'll have to come up with something appropriate for that! Thanks for reminding know how us Old People are about dates!!

    Thanks for stopping by and have a nice (and safe) day, OK??

