Monday, June 23, 2008

Road Trip Today...!

Sorry folks...but I have to go to V.A. today for my monthly visit so I don't know when I'll get back to do a genuine update. Sorry not to have something available for you yet, but once in a while the real world gets in the way of doing what we really want to do. This is something, however, that I can't put off. I'm sure that you know how that goes...

I'll leave the coffee pot on and the cookies in the cookie jar...just help yourself and I'll be back later! Here is some music to fill the time till I get back, OK? OK !


  1. Morning Jim,

    Well you have a safe trip today.

    Funny song too :)
    I looked it up also the other day after we were talking about Roger Miller. Dang Me!! LOL

    CYA Soon,

  2. Hey Blondie...wondered where ya got off to! Been missin' ya around!

    Thanks for the visit and I played "Dang Me" when I was deciding which song to put on today, but decided on this one.

    See ya later!

  3. And I posted "Dang Me"
    Too funny!
    blondie :))
