Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday Program Update...

Well, we haven't had one of these in a while so I thought it was time to go over the main programs that are earning for me. Before I get into that, let me just say this. It is my job to pass on to you any programs that I know could earn you some extra money. It is up to you to decide if you want to join them or not. I only tell you about the ones that I know work.

I don't tell you about them to get referrals. I very seldom get referrals. I make my money from my own involvement in the same programs I tell you about. So if you decide to join, do it for yourself and not for me or anyone else. The decision should always be your own. I am only here to tell you about the possibility of earning some money. OK? OK!

10DollarsWonder continues to be a steady program for me. I cycle every week and usually repurchase at the same time. This program has my complete backing and shows no signs of going away! My referrals continue to cycle and repurchase as well. As long as we all stay active, we continue to earn.

DRW is another very good program for me. I earn from the profit sharing every day and in fact, I just repurchased another position today. This type of program is another example of a steady and solid earner. Staying active is as easy as repurchasing with your earnings. It certainly deserves a look!

Then of course, there is Clixsense. I have been getting a check from them every month since I joined. You will never get rich with this program, but you can make a good deal of extra cash if you are good at getting referrals. You can get a check without them as well, so it all depends on how you want to go.

I am in a private Investment program that is working extreamly well for me, but I cannot advertise it. It is, as I said, private. However, if you want more information about it, feel free to sent me an email and we can discuss it.

Now if you need to get some extra credits for advertising, you might want to look at TrafficEra. This is a surf for credits site that offers a good venue for advertising. It makes full use of features such as the TeamTalk feature, which you can use while surfing to chat with your team mates. A lot of fun and less boring than regular surfing for credits sites.

The Gano healthy coffee business is going well! Free to become an affiliate, pays 20% commission on all sales generated from your free website (including your own) and the product is not only healthy but taste pretty good as well! A good selection of health products are offered by the Company, but the coffee was my main interest as you can guess! I invite you to take a look.

Well, that's all I have for now. I'm tired of working already and ready to take a coffee break! But then, I'm always ready for some fresh coffee...want to join me?


  1. Morning Jim
    Thanks for the update.
    Just got up and sharing coffee with ya. Hope to see you later on.

  2. Hey Blondie...good to see ya this morning!Coffee and friends...sounds like the making of a good day! Thanks for dropping by...


  3. Too technical! I like the fun things. . . Anyone out there got new quilt patterns or clothes patterns for "preemies". I have 2 sewing machines sitting aside-by-side just rearin' to go . .

  4. Sorry Mom...not many folks here sew, I'm thnking. At least, no one has mentioned it yet!

    Thanks for stopping by.
