Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are You In A Red Mood Today...?

Let's talk a little bit about colors and how much they can affect our lives and our attitudes. Often overlooked, colors can really make a big difference in some cases.

Our sight is our primary interaction with the world around us and most of us take it for granted. We rarely stop to think about color means to us and how it can affect us. Light is a form of energy and all energy acts on the matter that it comes into contact with. What we see as color is the brain’s way of recognizing the different energy qualities of light.

We tend to think of color as existing on surfaces, but the color of an object is determined by what happens to the light that hits it. The color we see, very often, is exactly what the object is not.

Every frequency of visible light, each color, creates changes in us at all levels, physically, emotionally and mentally. Different cultures have given different attributes and meanings to color, but on a biological level we all react in the same way.

Color is not superficial; it shows us the energetic reality around us.

Everything under the sun is affected by color. Plants, animals, bacteria, chemical reactions, all show changes of behaviour when exposed to different colors. It is also a subconscious language that we use instinctively in very area of our lives.

Learning to recognise and use color with awareness can bring positive changes into our lives. Each color has a set of clearly defined meanings and influences which can help us understand the world around us and our behaviour.

These qualities can also be used to create particular impressions on others. A subtle message can be sent with color much more effectively than with words.


Red is the color with the longest wavelength. It is the nearest visible light to infra-red in the electromagnetic (energy) spectrum. It maintains close connections with heat and warmth. Even rocks become red when they are heated sufficiently. This is evident when volcanoes erupt and lava pours out onto the earth’s surface. Red makes us wary as we connect it with heat and potential danger of burning.

Too much heat and red burns, but at the right level it gives us comfort and supports our lives. Being the color of blood, red has symbolic links with life and living. Spilling or losing blood brings illness or death.

If you want to increase your body’s ability to absorb iron wear red, eat red foods or surround yourself with red. This is because iron is the metal that is responsible for the color of haemoglobin in the blood. The presence of haemoglobin allows the blood to absorb oxygen in the lungs and to transport that life-giving oxygen to the body’s cells.

Physical activity and the energy that supports it also have a red vibration. If speed, danger, daring or courage are involved the red quality of the activity increases – people like stunt men, racing car drivers or mountaineers all have “red” careers.

Using Red.

If you want to come across as a bold and dynamic person, wear a red scarf or a tie. This is especially effective if you are going to an event where your confidence needs a boost, like a presentation or an interview. It will also help you feel less nervous about meeting new people.

Your health and red.

Red is a very powerful color and should be avoided if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, have a quick temper or are feeling angry as it will over-stimulate you. It is good for the following:
Low energy, Apathy, Anaemia, Depression, Poor Circulation, Fear, Low blood pressure, Lack of confidence, Colds/chills, Lack of initiative.

Top Tip from Reiki Healing Spain.
Put red in your life when there is….
• A lack of enthusiasm and interest in life
• A lack of energy and a feeling of over-tiredness
• An inability to make your dreams a practical reality
• A feeling of insecurity, unwarranted fear or anxiety

Now I'm in the mood for some fresh want it in a red cup?


  1. Interesting, Bubba. You started with my favorite color, too. I don't know how much of the info applies to me but I do like the tips at the end of the post. I have always thought of red as a warm and inviting color. I like to picture a very cold, snowy day with myself and a wonderful dog sitting in a warm home library decorated with red and a BIG fireplace with a roaring fire heating the room and providing all the sound effects we need from inside!
    Big Sis

  2. Hey Sis...thanks for the visit. I like the imagery of the library and fire...don't know if my cats would put up with the dog or not. I'm planning to do some more articles on colors and how they affect our stay tuned!

    Thanks for the comments...

  3. RED: this colour is associated with survival and hence the lowest charkra. It has to do with hunting, shelter, survival in effect. (muladhara, the root chakra)

    It is a deep vibrant red, the colour of beginning, the colour of the longest wavelength and slowest vibration (frequency).

    It's seed sound is "lam" and it's vowel sound is "Ohhh".

    More to follow.

  4. Hey John...thanks for stopping by and for the information, as usual. Always interesting...

    See ya later...
