Monday, August 25, 2008

Considering Orange And Yellow...

Let's continue with our discussion of colors and how they affect us. Some of this may be surprising to you.

First of all, let's consider Orange.

While red is associated with fiery heat, orange is more closely linked to the more gentle warmth of the sun and of fire. True, orange is certainly dynamic, but more thoughtful and controlled than red.

Curiosity is one of the characteristics of the orange vibration and this brings exploration and creativity, particularly on a practical level.

Strangely, surveys have often found orange to be the least popular of colors (green and blue being the favourites)... is this because exploring and reaching out can sometimes be painful?

Using orange properly can provide some surprising results. In times of stress, or after a shock or surprise wearing shades of orange can help return you to a state of balance.

Orange can be good for the following:

. Low vitality
. Poor appetite
. Listlessness
. Indigestion
. Bereavement
. Asthma
. Inhibition
. Cramp
. Sadness
. Gallstones
. Boredom

Put orange in your life when there is…

• A feeling of boredom and bleakness, particularly when you feel time is dragging.
• A lack of interest in what is going on around you, even to the point where you don’t want to become involved at all.
• An obsessive need to have things in their “proper” place and resentment of changes in familiar routines.
• A lack of sense of humor.
• A fear of experiencing pleasure through the senses and of enjoying sensuality.
• An inability to let go of the past.
• A problem with blocked experiences in life, such as a decrease in personal creativity.

Now how about Yellow ?

Yellow is a bright, sunny color. Most people will recognize the sensation of warmth and vitality when looking at pure yellow. Different shades of yellow produce different reactions. A clean, light yellow can help to clear the mind whereas a yellow that has green tinge to it can create a degree of discomfort, disorientation and even nausea.

The functions of the yellow vibration have to do with decision making... our decisions rely on information. More importantly, knowing which bits of information are relevant.

The digestive, immune and nervous system all reflect yellow frequencies. Both the digestive and immune system rely on correct decisions as to what is useful to the body and what is dangerous.

The nervous system relays on information to the brain which then acts upon the signals. Fear and worry are the consequence of an imbalance of yellow energy, when wrong information and a lack of logical thought result in an inability to act positively.

There are some simple ways to use yellow in a positive fashion. When working at your computer a yellow mouse mat will help improve your concentration and keep you alert.

Your health and yellow ...

Avoid yellow if you have stomach problems or are feeling restless, excitable, stressed, and unable to sleep or unwind. It is , however,good for the following:

. Constipation
. Depression
. Flatulence
. Low self-esteem
. Diabetes
. Short attention span
. Skin problems
. Exam nerves
. Nervous exhaustion
. Writer’s block

Top Tip from Counselling Spain. Put yellow in your life when there is…..
• Confusion and indecision.
• Unknown fear and anxiety leading to nervous and digestive disorders.
• A weak immune system or regular minor illnesses, intolerances and allergies to foods or other substances.
• Nervous exhaustion, panic attacks, hot flashes. • Poor memory, inability to study or concentrate.

Now what do you say to some fresh coffee...?


  1. The info on orange was interesting. Tara was the only person I knew who really seemed to like orange until our baby Ashley came along. As early as last Christmas, when she was less than two months old, she really perked up when shown something orange. She is definitely curious about everything! Very smart, too, even though I am not prejudice!
    Big Sis

  2. Hmmmm... I hate orange except on pumpkins, and yellow is my favorite color. Opposites attract, or does it just make me weird? Oh well, interesting as always. See you soon, with cookies in hand....

  3. Morning Jim,
    Yellow and orange eh?
    Don't like yellow except on my sunflowers. Orange is a good color. Maybe I just prefer the cooler colors of the fall season.
    Yellow makes me think of a song which I need to find right now! lol
    So thanks for the coffee and c'ya in a bit :)

  4. Hey B...thanks for coming by. Funny how different children react to different colors, isn't it? Shows some insight into the personality, ya think?

    Hey Sis...I do hope you have some cookiesd when you come over next weelend. I'm getting tired of store bought and I'm too lazy to make my own. Besides, they always taste better when made by someone else, right?

    Hey Blondie...Somehow I figured
    you would like orange. Don't know why, but I did. As far as surprises me you don't like it. After matches my eyes! Thanks for the visit and the comments.

    Have a good day, ladies!

  5. Hi Jim...hope you doing great.
    I find your new subject very interesting, i have looked into the effects of colors before but it is always interesting to hear input from a diffrent source...i happen to like pretty much all big is the color spectrum to not find a shade you would like from a certain color family. But i do prefer happy colors;o)

    Have a colorful day,

  6. Hey Manu...thanks for coming by. I'm sure that all of us have certain colors that we respond to differently. For sure some colors bring out the good emotions in us while others have the reverse affect.

    It makes for an interesting study, doesn't it?

    Thanks again...

  7. Hermitjim - Very interesting and stimulating topic you have chosen. That must be why we like the colors we do - and decorators try to convince us otherwise. I am looking forward to reading the future articles on colors to come!

  8. Hey Myrna...glad you found the topic interesting. Colors have such an impact on us, yet we don't even consider them very much. Hopefully you will find the next cou8ple of articles as interesting.

    Thanks for coming by...
