Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rainy Day Lazy...

Well, it's raining still here in big "H" so I think that I'll take the morning off. I don't do that very often, but today seems like a good day to sit and listen to the lullaby of the rain on my roof.

If anything Earthshattering comes up, I'll post an update. Otherwise, I'll see ya all tomorrow.
Now grab a cup and let's enjoy the rain together, OK? OK!


  1. Man after my own heart ;)
    What a beautiful song to hear first thing in the morning.
    Just those first few notes and hearing the Uke gives me goosebumps.
    Enjoy your rain Sweetie :))

  2. Hey Blondie...you know, no matter how many times I hear this song I still get goose bumps listening to it.

    Glad I could start your day with a pleasant thought or two...

    See ya

  3. Hi - is a beautiful song - who is the singer ? Not morning here now - but I really enjoyed listeningto it.to lessen the stressd ( even if exciting) of the day !! And we all dream of that peaceful place over the rainbow.
    We had dramatic lightning last night and rain - but still would like more.
    Maybe because I would like to have a rest !!

  4. Excuse my spelling - guess more stress than I thought - he he

  5. Hey Myrna...thanks for stopping by. The singer's name is Iz...Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. He was a native son of Hawaii. He was greatly loved and respected there...and when he died his ashes were scattered in the waters around the island. You can find a lot of his music on youtube.com.

    Beautiful voice...and don't worry about the spelling cause mine is not that good either from time to time.

    See ya...

  6. Hermitjim - thanks sor this song again. Played for some friends that I had in visiting tonight - adn they loved it . And knowing more about him makes it even more special. He truly left us a legacy !!
