Monday, August 4, 2008

Stormy Today In Houston...

Today is probably going to be stormy as we have a tropical storm moving in this direction. It may not hit directly but I'm sure that we will have some rough weather from it. Already getting high winds and rain, and the worst is supposed to be tomorrow. Either way, I'm going to be brief today.

I made my first withdrawal from DRW yesterday and it was paid almost immediately. This a really good program so far, certainly worth looking at.

The sister program EXTads is also doing well. These two sites are a type called "paid-to-advertise" which means they are profit sharing and tend to have a really decent payout. They run from 1.5% to 2.0% a day and can add up very quickly. Consider them if you will.

I'm going to make a withdrawal from 10DW today after a repurchase, of course. This will be my first withdraw since joining, but I wanted to build up my positions, and I am finally getting to the point that I will be able to withdraw a little regularly. That's the goal we all work toward.

My Private program matured one of my positions today, so that's good news. Another matures on the 5th and then yet another on the 7th. So far this is turning out to be a good and steady program. Just hope it holds for a while...and it should, given it's track record. As usual, I can't say anything about it here, but you can email me with any questions and I'll try and answer them, OK?

I'm leaving a little music today since we missed the cartoons from this weekend. This is from a long, long time ago. There has been many versions since the original, but this version is still one of the best, in my opinion. Enjoy it...and while you listen, join me in a cup of coffee.


  1. Enjoyed the music and the pictures of Clint Eastwood didn't hurt either.
    Buckle down for the storm and think of me. I am home today and I love to have a good storm or rain on days that I'm home!
    Big Sis

  2. Hey Sis...glad you came by this morning. Woke up this morning to clear and dry skies. Don't know what happened to all the stormy stuff we were supposed to get!

    I like to sleep in the rain, but a storm makes me nervous. However, being that it's hurricane season, I guess we need to be prepared for anything.

    Glad you liked the song. Thanks again for coming by!

    Love ya..

  3. Morning Hermitjim - say - I sur did enjoy that song this am - and I think I even recall the first ones that sang it - but their names haven't come to me yet.
    Aboout Clint Eastwood -Used to be an old saying "that he could put his shoes under my bed anytime !"
    Anyway I better keep plugging away here... now that I have had my coffee break !!
    Hope it doesn't storm too bad.

  4. Hey Myrna...glad to have you stop by this morning. There have been so many good versions of this song, it's hard to pick a favorite. But like all the oldies, the first ones done are close to the best.

    Thanks again for dropping by and for the comments.

  5. Morning Jim,
    Haven't loaded the song yet but I'm sure it's a good one.
    Stay clear from that storm, ok?
    You know I worry about you.
    ps, send a little rain my way :)

  6.'s my favorite blonde!! Glad you came by. Boy, you know for sure I'll stay out of the way of the storm. It was heading pushed back out into the Gulf by a high pressure area, so nowe it is slowly starting to build up steam and heading back in.

    I have a feeling that there will be enough rain to share thisd time...hope I'm wrong!

    Nice to have someone looking out for me!!

    See ya

  7. Cool. I like the old country music even more than the newer stuff.

    I hope you get a nice, slow rain to rest by.

    Smilin' Cat

  8. Hey Cat...thanks for dropping by with a smile. I'm glad you liked the music. Many of the older songs just seem to have more feeling in them than the newer ones. This one I remember from when I was a kid.

    Thanks for the good wishes reguarding the rain. We'll just have to wait and see.


  9. It's 7 pm here MST - haven't seen the weahter so hope you guys are still safe.
