Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm Back On The Air!!!

Hey guys!! I sure did miss all of you! I just wanted to post a quick update here to let everyone know the Hermit is back and doing good!

I won't have a full post until I get settled in again, but I just wanted to thank everybody for the prayers and good wishes. This has been a scary storm and the devastation is so wide spread, it is hard to get your head around. But more on that later!!

Glad to be back...I missed you all!!


  1. Hey thanks,'s really good to have contact again! I am no longer having internet withdrawal!

  2. Hi Jim,
    Welcome back. It's good to see some communication from you. Other than losing your power for an extended period of time, I do hope your place didn't suffer any serious damage.
    Glad your OK!

  3. Hey Danish...thanks for checking on me. I was one of the lucky few that did not suffer any major damage, just a fence and a few tree limbs. No one is injured and the roomies are good, so the blessings are many.

    Thanks again for the kind thoughts!

  4. Hi Jim!

    I´m glad you are back with strong blogs!

  5. Hey Mattias...thanks for the kind words. I am really glad to be back again. After this last week, it is a pleasant change to hear from my Internet buddies once more!

    Thanks again for stopping by...

  6. Jim Jim Jim,
    If it hadn't been for that storm, who knows how long it would have been before I "chatted" with you on the phone.
    Almost like a blessing in disguise eh?
    Thanks for keeping us (me) up to date.
    And along with everyone else, I'm Soooooooo Happy You're Back!
    Hugs to You Friend,
    blondie :))

  7. Hey special friend! I'm glad to see me here agin as well and I'm glad to know that your voice matches the image of you that I had!!

    I got that picture you sent me of the "DUCKIES"...cute!!

    I'm smiling big time today!!

    See ya, Dear!!
