Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Dangers Of Distraction...

Distraction is a major cause of accidents and mis-steps in both your business and your personal life. It can be a large problem if you allow it. Believe me, I know first hand what disasters can befall you if distraction is allowed to enter into the equation. Simple everyday tasks can turn ugly with very unfortunate results if you aren't careful.

Case in point; Last night I was getting my coffee pot ready for this morning. I had put in the water, taken the coffee can down and opened it, prepared to scoop out the correct amount of grounds when I became distracted. Big mistake...!

Whatever the cause of the distraction was, it was just enough to cause me to forget to put the coffee grounds in the basket. So when I started the coffee this morning, what I had was hot water poured over day old grounds. Not a good way to start the day!

Second distraction; After doing my post last night, I scheduled it to post at 5:00 in the morning like I always do. Just that I got distracted when I put in the date, so I put in the wrong day. Needless to say, this morning came and post. Not good!

The point I'm trying to make here is don't let yourself get distracted from your purpose. Don't get distracted from your goals. don't get distracted from your plan...YOUR plan! Not the plan of someone else, not the plan made to change because of distraction. Stay on the true path, the path you originally saw and envisioned before you allowed yourself to become distracted.

Now, I've made fresh coffee with fresh before I get distracted again let's have a fresh cup, OK?


  1. O.K. to the fresh coffee w/fresh grounds!! I am one who would say you are indeed a trying person and yet I always go to read the back blogs I missed for the last few days. So, I call you trying in a purely loving way! Let's get together soon to enjoy the "cuppa" , birds and etc. Love you!

  2. Hi Jim,

    I set up my coffee machine the night before as you do, and have had the same thing happen when my mind is distracted. There is a reason for everything though if we choose to see it.

    After reading your post, I was reminded of a really good ACIM quote/explanation of "distraction" While it isn't relevant to what you wrote here, it is really relevant to my situation in the last few months and has really helped me to read it this morning.

    Had you not been distracted and thought to post this, I might not have found the peace I feel this morning. So thank you for being distracted. (Sorry you had to endure late coffee for it, but you helped a fellow human! And if you look at your own situation, you might also find reason.)

    You are so right, and you point is well taken. Thanks for the reminder!


  3. Hey SIS...I do thank you for stopping by this morning.I could have guessed that you would be the one that knew me to be a very trying person! Bet I tried your patience more than once over the years, huh?

    But I still love ya...

    Hey LYDIA...Appreciate you dropping by this morning. I am glad to see I may have helped someone get their day of to a good start. Nice to know I can be useful...that's good for some Cosmic brownie points, right?

    See ya later...

  4. But Jim! Am a man without a plan! And I like it that way. Plans mean you are trying to control your future, your circumstances, whereas what we all need to realize is that we are NOT in control.

    Life cannot and will not be controlled here. But of course we do have a choice. We either follow the script of the ego or we follow the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, or HS, or whatever it is you want to call that ONE.


  5. Hey see, JS, that your choice to not have a plan is, by it's very nature, indeed a plan. Whether we follow the ego script or follow the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, that choice then becomes our plan.

    Thanks for stopping by...

  6. Without reading all the comments you got, I just want to show you I'm smiling at your post :)

    I've done the old grounds thing a couple of times myself so it was cute to hear that I am Not Alone, lol

    C'ya Later with fresh coffee in hand!

  7. Hey BLONDIE...glad to have the opportunity to make you smile a little! If I can put a smile on that pretty face of yours, I feel very fortunate. It brightens the day a bit for all of us!

    Thanks for stoping by...

  8. Hmmmm Im getting this eerie feeling you can see my life. And you are right .... time to stop getting distracted by someone elses plan and get mine back on track. Its almost like your tuned into some weird part of my life this week reminding me gently what I know I need to do for me.

    MMMMmmmmm great cuppa!
    Enjoy your day.

  9. Hey MI...

    You never know what or who might be looking over your shoulder now days.

    I think the reason that some of these topics hit home for so many of us is that deep down, so many of us are really alike. More alike than different.

    It's our similarity, our humanity if you will, that makes us realise that we are all members of the same family.

    Have a good day, my friend...

  10. Well said my dear friend ... deep down that just makes me feel lucky that I am in a position in this world where I am priviliged enough to be able to share the company of so many both talented and beautiful people at my fingertips touching my life in good ways every day.

    Take care
