Monday, December 1, 2008

Another Texas Recipe...

Ok, folks...I know you are getting tired of turkey by now...

Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey casserole, turkey salad, turkey everything! So how about a dish straight from the heart of Texas? A beef dish! Remember beef? The stuff you used to have before thanksgiving? Well, this is a recipe that makes the best of the good stuff...and you don't even need cranberry sauce with it.

Probably the very best thing about this particular recipe is the secret ingredient...COFFEE! That's right, my Friends. Leave it to the Hermit to find you a Beef recipe that has coffee in it. Pretty neat, huh?

Cowboy Brisket

4 pounds first cut brisket of beef
3 cloves garlic, slivered 3 cloves garlic, crushed
4 large onions, thinly sliced
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons bacon fat
1 cup strong black coffee
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cup water

With a long thin, sharp knife, make slits in the meat and insert the slivers of garlic. Place the meat in a bowl, spread 1 sliced onion and the crushed garlic over the meat, and pour in the vinegar. Marinate for 6 hours at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator, turning several times.

When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Heat the bacon fat in a deep, heavy skillet large enough to hold the brisket. Remove the brisket from the marinade and discard the onion and vinegar. Dry with paper towels. Brown the meat well on all sides. Remove brisket to a platter.

In the fat remaining in the skillet, saut the remaining sliced onions until deeply browned. Pour in 1/2 cup coffee. Bring to a boil, stirring and scraping the bottom of the skillet to loosen the browned bits. Spread the onions and liquid from the skillet in a shallow baking dish. Place the brisket on the onions. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pour in the remaining coffee and water. Cover tightly with foil and place in oven for 1/2 hour.

Reduce oven temperature to 250 degrees F and bake for an additional 2 hours or until meat is very tender.

Slice the brisket thinly against the grain. Skim the fat from the pan liquid. Return the meat slices to the pan. Serve at once or refrigerate for later use.

I stole this recipe from a place called Recipe Goldmine, and even though they won't admit to it I think these folks must be from Texas!

Anyway, enjoy the recipe and I now invite you to join me on the patio for a fresh cup of coffee and maybe a piece of leftover peach pie...


  1. Hey Jim,
    Yep I'm turkey'd out just like everyone else :)
    Thanks for the brisket idea.
    I do need to shop today and that sounds really good!
    C'ya soon
    blondie :))

  2. Hey Blondie...thanks for stopping by. Yep, brisket sounded like just the thing to start the week off with! Good old BEEF!! Sometimes you just can't beat it.

    You have a good day, my fair haired friend!!

  3. Hi Jim,

    That sounds really good, thanks! And yes, a refreshing change from turkey.

  4. Hey Lydia...thanks for dropping by and I hope you try and enjoy the recipe! Taste good to me...

    I hope you enjoyed your holiday and tht the weather isn't too cold for you...

    Thanks again for stopping by and for the comments.

  5. Coffee AND Beef; Man, the best of both worlds, ain't it?!? time to break out that grill, fire up that new samovar i know you're keeping in hiding, and retire to the patio... Cygnus

  6. cooking with bacon grease rocks...Everything tastes better with a little bacon grease :)

  7. Hey Cygnus...sounds like a plan to me, although these days I might favor the use of an italian coffee press instead. Thanks for stopping by...

  8. Hey Kookster...can't imagine cooking without bacon grease! So many uses and so much flavor!

    Dipped many a biscuit into hot bacon grease just for a taste...and it still makes the best gravy I know of!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  9. Brisket....... My drooling is gonna short out my keyboard! I requested brisket for Christmas. We'll see........

  10. Hey Mayberry...thanks for stopping by. People don't realise just how inexpensive a brisket can be. A lot of meals for the price, and the different uses boggle the mind!!

    Two things I am always on the lookout for...the perfect brisket recipe and the perfect chili recipe! I think that this one of those quest that the pleasure and delight is as much in the hunt as in the discovery!

    Thanks again...

  11. Brisket recipe? Brisket, mesquite fire, and your favorite BBQ sauce! Slow cook over mesquite for 8 hours or so, fat side up, and baste occasionally with BBQ sauce..... I like Bullseye. Throw on the corn and taters in the last hour, and yer good!

  12. It sounds yummy... But I'm waiting for the recipe for that bean dip you served on Turkey Day.

