Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Little More Positive Outlook For Today...

I thought I would start the week with some positive thoughts. With all the bad stuff going on in the world today, we could use some really calming influence in our lives.

I reached way back for this song because it has been running through my mind over and over today. Guess the Universe is trying to tell me something. If it is, I'm listening...listening hard!

This is one of those songs that touches my heart. It somehow gives me strength and hope. It gives me a little brighter outlook on things, but I still am not willing to let my guard down just yet.

I hope all my friends enjoy this song, and maybe listen a little harder to the words than before. I know that I have...

Now let's get a fresh cup of coffee while we listen, OK?


  1. Thanks Jim!

    Yes, let´s raise some faith, hope and love for tomorrow!

    Thanks for the bright song.

  2. Hey Mattias...thanks for dropping by. Gotta have some good news sometimes, huh?

  3. An old time favorite Jim. Thanks for posting it.


  4. Hey hermit!

    never heard the tune before, but enjoy it. funny how music -- good music lyrics/ poetry-- can fit any given moment. i've been out amongst the masses today doing some seasonal shopping (no need to tell you that Wal-mart is NOT where one who has no love of crowds in particular or people in general wants to venture on a sunday so close to boyh christmas and payday! UGH...). during much of my drive time i thought alot about my future... so the song was a positive reflection of my mind's itinerant journey.


  5. Hey Lydia...thanks for the visit. Good songs can stay with us a long time...and some for some reason just won't leave our minds. All you need to hear is the first few notes to hear the whole song in your head

    Have a good day/night...

  6. hey Cygnus...even thought the song is an old one, the message never gets old.

    You're braver than I...going out to WallyWorld on a Sunday just before the holidays. Hope it was worth it.

  7. I got a new mouse... and pad. much time as i spend here in front of the screen, it was. didn't LIKE it, but...

    more soon:)


  8. Thanks, Jim, I enjoyed that. I remember that one from my younger days.

    I know that life is not always easy, times are hard, and the future is unknown, but I continue to hold fast to the positive...even in negative surroundings. Yes, be prepared... and I see no reason we can't be positively prepared!

    Your friend,
