Monday, December 29, 2008

Taking Some Down Time...

Today I'm taking the time to play a little catch up...

I'm going to play the uke, break in my new cast iron skillet, bake some bread, can some more butter....and read a bit! Just going to take a little time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet!

I'll come back later, probably tomorrow, all rested up and ready to deal with everything. I am leaving this video for your enjoyment, mainly because for some reason I can't get it out of my head. Only cure is to play it, I reckon...

Help yourself to the coffe, my friend! See ya later, OK?


  1. Enjoy your rest today. Let me know how canning the butter works out. I've been wanting to try that but I haven't yet.

  2. It's the last Monday of 2008; I think your choice of music is so appropriate at this year's end.

    Long ago, in a galaxy far away, my kids, (now 28 & 30) attended the same junior high school as S & G, in Queens, NY. This school had such a strong emphasis on music, and was so proud to have had this duo as students. My daughter sang in the school chorus, and my son played the baritone horn (a trumpet on steroids), but that was long ago, just as the memories of this song.

    I am a new reader of your blog, HermitJim, and enjoy having my morning coffee with you.

    Blessings & Peace,

  3. Good morning Jim,

    Great song, another favorite of mine.

    It's catch up time for me too, food shopping first.

    I have a few cast iron skillets and a really good dutch oven. I use them it all the time. They are really good! Have you used them before? If not, make sure it is seasoned and make sure to not use soap when washing it.

    Enjoy your day today!

  4. Hey OWMom...sure am glad you came by. uess when you get to be Old and Gray like me, rest can be a good thing!

    I canned some butter just before Christmas and it turned out beautifully! I printed some custom "vintage " canning labels for it and gave it as gifts with some homemade bread...worked out just fine.

    Good to see ya this morning...

  5. Hey Lo...glad you took the time to come by for coffee and a visit. Always happy to have a new reader.

    These two guys made a big mark on the music of their time. Many memories are associated with their songs, most of mine were good ones.

    You're right in that it seems such a long time ago...and yet some music remains timeless, ya know?

    Hey...don't be a stranger, OK?

  6. Hey Lydia...yeah, I've been using cast iron for a long, long time. I love the stuff, but lost my favorite skillet somewhere down the line. Santa brought me a new one (preseasoned) and I am just dying to use it, ya know?

    Guess you are getting ready for the New Year at your place, huh? Still have snow on the ground?

    Hey, my have a good holiday, OK? See ya next time!

  7. Sounds like a good plan,Hermit.
    Can't ever have too much of those things-- sleep and food!

    Good music, either.

    Take care& come back safe...


  8. Hey Jim, That Santa sure knows what he is doing! Enjoy your pan and let us know what you make in it ;

    New Years used to be a big deal a few year ago, but lately, I am happy to just relax with a few friends and my kids (and their friends of course.;)

    We have had some unusually warm weather the last few days and even see the sun today!~ so a lot of the snow has melted. Am certain it will be replaced in no time though.

    Thanks so much for the holiday wishes!

    Hope that you do the same!

  9. "Hi hermit" can't wait for another bread recipe, tried the peanut butter bread, "how fun was that" it was great, loved it, thanks.

  10. Hey Diane...sure am glad to see ya this morning, or afternoon I should say! Can't imagine what happened to the morning!

    I'm getting ready to put another bread recipe on the blog...easy, and has a sourdough flavor!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. I wanted a cast iron skillet for christmas but didn't get one. Instead the girlfriend got brand new teflon coated cookware from her *sarcasm*

  12. Hey Kookster...know what you mean, my man. My next addition is to get the dutch oven...

    Can't imagine why more people aren't using cast iron these days! Oh, well...more for us,huh?

    Hey, thanks for stopping by.

  13. Sounds like fun Hermit, enjoy the break!

  14. Hey Mayberry...will do, my man ! Thanks for dropping by!

    You have a good day!

  15. Hi Jim. Yes that is a great song with great harmony, lyrics on this one and many others. Good choice.

    Best wishes to you and everyone.



  16. Family leaves to tomorrow & we are looking forward to our own silence. And coffee of course!

  17. Hey of the best, I think. Of course, there were so many it's hard to choose.

    I sure appreciate you dropping by!

  18. "That's awesome hermitJim, I love sour dough bread, how did you know? here's a really good one, and oh so easy. 1 and 1 half Tlb. dried yeast, 1 and a half Tlb. salt, 3 cups luke warm water. Mix these three together, then add 6 and 1 half cups all purpose flour, stir together. Let rest and rise for 2 hours. At this point you can refrigerate for 2 weeks, and then pinch off a grapefruit size protion, don't knead the dough, just lightly shape into round kind of flat ball. Place on baking sheet let rise for about 40 minutes, slice a few slits on top. oven is at 455 degrees, place a tin pan on bottom of oven get real hot, place ready to bake dough in oven, pour about 2 cups water in tin pan, close oven, this water will create a steam, allowing for a crusty crust. Bake for approximately 20-21 minutes. You can bake this bread right after you first make it, after it rises for 2 hours, pinch off a grapefruit size protion, be careful not to deflate the dough, do not knead, or punch down, just shape into round figure, and bake. It's really rustic delisious, and I really enjoyed this recipe and will keep it forever. The time it spends in the frig will allow it to take on more of a sour dough quality.

  19. Ok, I forgot something, before you pinch the dough, make sure your hands are covered in flour, and flour your board, because this is a sticky dough, keep tossing with a little flour as you shape into ball for baking, being careful not to deflate the dough, just enough to keep dough off hands, and easy to form. There, try it, you'll like it.

  20. Hey Diane...funny you should like this recipe so much! I'm putting a video on the blog for a bread called "almost no knead bread". It's from a place called " They have some excellent recipes there and I am baking one of them now!

    I appreciate you sharing this recipe with me...and I appreciate you dropping by.

  21. Well HermitJim, that's cool. the recipe for my bread can be found on line by typing in Artisan's 5 minute bread, they also have a viedo. Thanks for the link to yours. I'll surely check it out.
    Let us know how the bread turns out.
