Monday, January 5, 2009

A Little Treasure From The 1930's

I found this bit of humor in a cookbook full of recipes from as far back as 1936...

I just thought some would get a kick out of it! I know I did...

Chase wild bullfrogs for three miles, then gather up the hops.
To them add ten gallons of tan bark, 1/2 pint of shellac and one bar of homemade soap.
Boil for 36 hours, then strain through an I.W.W. sock to keep it from working.
Add one grasshopper to each pint to give it a kick.
To test, pour a little in the kitchen sink; if it takes the enamel off, it's ready for bottling!

Now while that is aging, let's go get some fresh coffee, OK?


  1. Y'know it works; otherwise you'd think to need a W.W.I. sock...

    (Guess it could be me age...)


  2. Hey try it and then let me know if it works, ok?

    Thanks for coming by.

    Hey Mayberry...careful with those bullfrogs. Don't want too many hops in this stuff!

    Thanks for the visit this morning.

  3. Hey Jim. Wow. Sounds like dynamite brew in the makings.



  4. Hey Gene...thanks for stopping by today.

    I just couldn't pass up the chance to share it. I won't taste it...but I'll share it!

    You have a good day!

  5. Sounds like it would be the perfect drink to go with my dad's elephant recipe. I like my sink too much to try it though.

  6. Elephant recipe? ELEPHANT RECIPE???I'm afraid to even ask!!

    Hey thanks for stopping by, Stephanie...

  7. Thank you for a good laugh! I'm going to have fun following you :)

  8. Hy Sarah...sure am glad you could drop by for a visit! Always glad to have a new friend to drop in from time to time...

    I'll try and give ya something to grin about from time to time...

    Have a good one!

  9. Hehehe, good one! I dunno how it would taste to the other batches I've brewed, but still a good recipe, eh?

    check this one out... I believe I read it by Charlie Papazan in "The Complete Joy of Home Brewing"... and yes, it means CHICKEN, get your mind out of the gutter!

    Authentic Cock Ale (circa 1500's)
    "Take 10 gallons of ale and a large cock, the older the better; parboil the cock, flay him, and stamp him in a stone mortar until his bones are broken (you must gut him when you flaw him). Then, put the cock into two quarts of sack, and put to it five pounds of raisins of the sun - stoned; some blades of mace, and a few cloves. Put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has been working, put the bag and ale together in vessel.
    In a week or nine days bottle it up, fill the bottle just above the neck and give it the same time to ripen as other ale."

  10. Hey FG...I have to admit...that recipe sounds really AWFUL!! Don't think I want to try it. It's interesting, though! Wonder if people really drank that stuff?

    I guess it would all depend on how bad you wanted to have some ale!

    Thanks for the comments.
