Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tips From The Farmers Almanac...!!

I know that most of you already knew this, but with the weather like it bears repeating. So here it is...

One large log lasts two to three times longer than the same volume of smaller logs. See
which woods provide more heat value.

If you humidify your house during the winter months, you can turn your heat down to 65 to 68 degrees; when you’re out of the house, turn it down to the 50s.

Wear extra clothes and use blankets to trap body heat. For a cozy throw, buy a 2-yard length of polar fleece; it’s cheaper than a blanket and needs no hemming.

To increase the efficiency of heat, close off rooms. Try to stay in rooms on the "warm" side of the house, away from prevailing winds. Avoid rooms with large windows.

Work with Mother Nature! Close drapes at night. Let the sun in during the day.

Stuck on the ice without sand or kitty litter? In a pinch, you can take the mats out of your car, place them behind or in front of the tires, and slowly inch the car onto the mats.

To restore proper windshield wiper blade action, smooth the rubber blades with fine sandpaper to remove any grit and pits.

Avoid driving when you have the flu, which can reduce your reaction time almost six times as much as moderate alcohol intake.

For cold weather driving, put together a canvas bag or covered storage box with emergency items. See our Emergency Car Kit.

If it’s balmy all winter where you live, be thankful that you don’t need all this stuff. Of course, being prepared virtually guarantees an uneventful rest of winter!

Sounds a lot like the information that we have been trying to share with everyone for a long time, doesn't it?

Well, to warm up...what do you say to some fresh hot coffee, my friend?


  1. Some of this stuff is downright brilliant and is going in the emergency notebook just so I don't forget it (i.e. using the mats for traction). Of course, I hope never to have to use it, but emergencies do come up...
    Great post--thanks for the info!

  2. Hi Jim!

    Great info! I love the one about the car mat. Never would have thought of that and have even been stuck a few times. Also, couldn't belive the one about the flu, 6 x's more?? Wow!

    (Copied your post to keep - just have to remember where ;)

    Good stuff! Thanks so much. :)

  3. Hey Marie...I sure appreciate you dropping in today.The best time to learn things like this id before we need it, not when we need it.

    In fact, it's a lot like food storage and prepping. Can't hurt to have it...

    Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. Hey smiling friend! Good to see ya! Well, you know me...a vast warehouse of trivial information...

    I have to admit that some of these were new to me as well. Hope you never have to use any of this, but now you have the info just in case!

    Thanks again for coming by today!

  5. ...good tips all...hope someone learns from you guys...i'm done 'helping' the 'unknowing by choice' crowd...i've warned folks for years,it's better to have and not need,than need and not we shall see...

  6. Hey Ken...thanks for dropping by. Hard to keep telling folks over and over the same things...and having them NOT being heard.

    What are ya going to do?

  7. I can spend hours reading the Almanac, I love it. I can never wait until the new one comes out each year. Good advice.

    Thank ya my good friend,


  8. Hey Chris...always a pleasure, Guy!

    You know, you can sign up for the electronic Almanac and have it delivered right to your of the only useful emails I get sometimes.

    Hey, thanks for dropping by.

  9. Better get meself right on the car kit...
