Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day...

Instead of trying to send everybody a card or flowers, I decided to send a little message full of all kinds of warm fuzzies for the just have to love the sight of these two lovers together!

Now don't get upset, guys! I have something here that I think you will find more in line with your liking. I found a perfect camper for my retreat, and I wanted to get your input on it. Seems like the perfect way to go to me!

Take a look and see if you think it is appropriate...somehow it seems to match my personality to a tee!

I might have to work on the outhouse a bit, but I'll bet I can come up with something! Heck, all I need is a rocking chair for the front porch...and I'm good to go!

Now what do you say to a fresh cup of coffee, my friend? Maybe a heart shaped cookie to go with it?


  1. Well you better be quick with the money Jim, or she might be coming to Canada.

  2. Hey Hermit...looks like it might have made it through a winter there already! Might be just the thing...Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Loved the video Hermit. I hope you don't mind, I posted on my blog with a link to yours:)

  4. How did you get my house on your truck?

  5. I don't know Jim looks a little high class for ya!
    The roomies might like it better though!


  6. Just dont forget the digital box for you intenie! LOL or you haven fancy cable in your place? Have a great weekend Hermit!

  7. Hey Molly...sure! Feel free to put it on your blog...stuff like thois was meant to be shared!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey wasn't easy, let me tell ya! Is this what you might build in the woods?

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

    Hey Rod...yeah, next thing ya know, I'll be wearing shoes and everything!As for the Roomies, as long as they have food, they don't care where the house is!

    Thanks for dropping in.

    Hey Scout...might have to get me one of those fancy satallite thingies, ya know? Hey, appreciate the visit...

  8. Ha ha, nice one... I remember seeing that few years back... they had a picture of a houseboat too, pretty nice! I think I live next to this guy now.

  9. Hey Shinerbock...should make for an interesting neighbor! I like the tub on the side...

    Thanks for coming by!

  10. The valentine was nice!! Beautiful picts, , ,

    As far as the "house" - seems like a winner to me, but where do I sleep when I come for a visit??!!

  11. Don't worry...I'm working on a hammock just for you! Saw one in a "Ma and Pa Kettle" movie...

  12. Aww...too cute, thanks for posting it.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too. :)


  13. Hi Jim

    Thanks for that beautiful video.

    That house condo ;) is hilarious. I think we might have some of those in the woods around here.

    Happy Valentines Day to you!


  14. Hey Felinae...I'm glad you liked it. Beats an old boring bunch of dflowers, huh?

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Lydia...are you making fun of my new house? BTW, those pics on the left of the cabin are of the actual interior! The builder just wanted it to look different on the outside...think he was successful there!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my friend!

  15. Hey is a pretty novel idea, isn't it? Amazing what some folks can come up with...

    Appreciate the visit!

  16. Hey Jim? Looks perfect for me!

    I don't need much. Just what you see.

    But an outhouse is required though, ha.

    And a Country where it is always summertime.

    Right? Right.

    Thanks for that laugh Jim!


  17. I just posted that movie... in my blog. Thanks Jim.


  18. Hey John...right you are about the outhouse...just gotta have one, preferably a two seater!

    Dunno about the always summertime, although my place in the desert just might be as close as I can get!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  19. So's Unkle, I's for lookin for us a good runnin' flatbed right fast like...

  20. Does the telephone pole attachment cost extra? i bet so...

  21. Guess we need to find a way to make the chicken house portable, huh?

  22. I have loved that song since forever. As for the chickens, build them a small A frame, mount brackets just abouve the steps and you are good to go. Put some lath around the steps deck to haul your goat around too.

  23. I bet it could pull a chicken coop trailer...I think it's beautiful.

  24. Hey Stephanie...good thinking! I could also just have some nesting boxes attached to the sides of the cabin!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

    Hey Maitreya...a chicken coop trailer! Good idea...and I'm glad you like it!

    Thanks for coming by !

  25. A Day Late and a Dollar Short .. that's me :(

    Loved the post, the song, the house truck and all the comments :)

    I also snagged your video for my blog. But you already know that :P

    Be sure to have extra hammocks for visitors. You never know.

    You Lucky Duck You!
    Won't be long now huh?

    Later :))

  26. Hey Blondie...thanks so much for coming by! I'm glad you enjoyed the video...and I'll be sure to keep a couple of hammocks habdy, just in case...

    Later, my friend!
