Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hey...The Hermit's Blog Got An Award !!

Hey, this is pretty cool! My friend and fellow blogger, Angela at Adventures in Self Reliance gave it to me! I'm totally blown away! Never had anyone give me an award like this before. She calls it the Excellence in Blogcasting Award...and here it is !

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

My only problem is that there are so many good blogs around, it's hard to only chose 15 to award, ya know? If it were up to me, I'd give all the blogs I know a great big award!

But since all I have is 15, here are the ones I'll pass this off to...and they,in turn, can pass it on to 15 more! (Man...this is harder than I thought!) BTW, these are not in any particular order!

1. My Road To Freedom

2. My Song...

3. Serenity

4. Sooner Or Later...

5. Artyistic Rythms

6. Cat's Collection

7. Old Lightning

8. Shinerbock's Anti-Social Rantings

9. She Survives

10. Simple Man, Simple Plan

11. Handmaiden's Kitchen

12. Challenged Survival

13. Solitude Of Hermits

14. Homesteading Neophyte

15. DivaHick

Well, that's all the awards that I can give out. I wish there were more! I personally follow and read so many more excellent blogs than are listed here, I feel almost bad just picking 15.

Just know this, each and every one of the bloggers out there, especially the preppers, deserve more than anything I could ever give!

I love you guys, and, I appreciate all the information that I learn daily from everyone. Please keep up the good work!

Now, let's all have a fresh cup of coffee!


  1. Hey Jim! CONGRATS to you and the other 14 blogs, keep up the good work.

  2. My Dear Friend Jim,
    Thank you. I am touched that you would put me in this group of award-ees! I treasure the honor bestowed upon me by one that I consider a mentor in the field of blogging.

    I was thinking just a few days ago, about how your blog has progressed into something truly useful AND entertaining.

    Keep up the good work and have an absotively, posilutely fantabulous day!!!


  3. Thank you very much Jim,
    I'm sure there are many other blogs more deserving. I'm honored.

    Would certainy like to meet you one day in person. We have a lot in common.

    Keep up the good work-your blog is well worth reading every day.

  4. Congratulations, Blogging Bubba! I know I personally enjoy reading you every day, always good for a chuckle or a bap on the head with some useful info. Keep it up! Even those of us in the working world have dreams of escaping some day, and the more prepared, the better. I love you lots!

  5. Thank you Jim for including me in your list. I think I may have passed the award to a couple of other blogs that are on your list. Oh well, they will receive it twice which will make it twice as good.

    I enjoy reading your blog!

  6. Morning Hermit,

    Might want to check on your award links...selecting #10 connects with #9.

    Appreciate you putting these up cause it gives me lots of good reading from all these fine folks. Enjoy that second cup!


  7. Hey Wendigo...I appreciate the visit, my friend. Hve a great day!

    Hey smiling friend! You are quite welcome...and send me one of those great looking cakes, would ya? Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey was my pleasure to offer it. I'm looking forward to the new adventures you are starting off on, now that you have losed the shop.

    Can't wait ti get started on the land, I'll bet!

    Bey Sis...glad to see you are still reading my stuff after all this time. Glad to can find something useful here once in a while...

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Hey Mamma was my honor to give it to ya. Your blog is one I read daily...or try to! Always find it entertaining and informative!

    Thanks for the visit.

    Hey Spokes...thank so much for stopping by and most of all, for the heads-up about the link! Guess I should never do this kind of stuff when I'm tired, huh?

  8. Jim, WOW! I feel so honored! Thank you so much. Precisely because of what Cat said. You were my mentor! I would never have gotten back into blogging if it weren't for you.

    Thank you so much! You made my day.

  9. Hey Lydia...glad to help keep that smile going, my friend! I'm glad to do what I can...

    Appreciate the visit!

  10. Thank you so much! It's really nice knowing that someone reads my rambles & considers them useful. lol I'll have to do the linking later when the kiddos are asleep - just to get it done right.

    So when are you taking your trip?

  11. Hey, gotta let those kids play while they can...makes the sleep come easier later.

    It's a pleasure to read your blog and I enjoy it a lot. I'm sure many, many others do as well!

    Thanks for coming by!

  12. Congratulations Jim.

    Quite an Honor.


  13. Hey John...thanks! I appreciate it! Thank you for coming by!

  14. Congrats, Hermit;
    Thank you Sir for including me tho, I really don't deserve it.

  15. Thanks Jim, we're feeling pretty honored up here in Canada. Thanks for the daily blogs. Congrats on your award also my friend. I'll be back for some coffee a little later on.

  16. Hey Furt...It's my pleasure to award this to ya. I gave it to the blogs I read every day...but I could only give out 15.

    Just keep up the good work, my man!

    Hey is always cooking, so come by and have a Texas size cup. It's a lot warmer here than it is in Canada, I'll bet!

  17. Hey pleasure, my friend! Just keep up the good work...I enjoy the read, ok?
