Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Reason I Won't Fly...!

I just found this little jewel on the PTShamrock newsletter...

Just another reson why I don't like the idea of flying. When they start messing with my coffee and my chocolate...I have a problem!

Couple Charged By NY Drug Police For Having Organic Chocolate- Now Magazine

Feel like a little nip of organic chocolate while you're heading to the Big Apple, Chicago or San Fran? Careful now. If you're crossing the border with a fair trade sweet, you may get busted for drugs.

That's what happened to Nadine Artemis and Ron Obadia, owners of Haliburton based alternative health company Living Libations. Sure, the New York State Police dropped charges of trafficking a controlled substance late last month, thousands in lawyer's fees later.

The culprit? Narcotics identification kits (NIKs), hyper monitoring mechanisms ready to blow the whistle on your tea tree oil or natural toiletries.

The story starts in August 2008, when the two raw foodists were stopped at Pearson Airport carrying their own brand of organic chocolate made of unrefined cacao, maca root, hemp seeds and goji berries. When Canadian Border Services applied a NIK test, their sweet treat registered positive for hash, and Obadia was told he would be charged at a future court appearance.

The test, which takes a few seconds, involves a liquid interacting with the substance in a vial. If it turns any shade of purple,arrest. Not surprisingly, the more complicated follow-up test by the feds a few weeks later came back negative, and the two were exonerated.

You would think with everything else going on in the world today, the PTB could find something else to occupy their time! I mean, if they spend this much energy on something as harmless as a chocolate do millions and millions of pounds of drugs make their way into the country without detection? Call me dumb. but I just don't get it!

Now, let's go and get some coffee before they start stopping the import of THAT as well!


  1. Yeah, and the news media should have better things to report on than Michael Phelps with a bong, but there it is. Oh well.
    All I can do anymore is laugh (and prep)

  2. That's the one thing we can get out of the media now days...a good laugh!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by, Maitreya! I appreciate it!

  3. Time would be better spent patrolling our borders than with stuff like that.


  4. I have to agree with you, my smiling friend! But it appears that the only people having trouble getting into the United States now days...are the citizens getting (or trying to get) back home after vacation!

    You can get out of the country, but you have to have a passport to get back in, mostly!

    Thanks for coming by!

  5. No No NO Don't mess with chocolate, or coffee-that Could cause a riot.

  6. Hey Tony...I have to agree with you 100% on that!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. ...afternoon Jim,as we all know,these and more to come like them,are merely coditioning excersizes,just as using NatGaurd MPs in alabama this week for 'police',training troops in small town USA...all 'conditioning'...

    ...and i'll promise this...if they stop the coffee,i'll fire the first

  8. Hey Ken...I knew I could count on ya! Mayber we could give ourselves a catchy name, like "the Coffee Guard"?

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

  9. Maybe if the government had to pay the legal fees of those falsely accused & pay a penalty to the innocent there would be fewer false arrests?

    No chocolate coffee...sounds very dreary doesn't it?

  10. Hey Stephanie...don't even want to think about it! What a terrible world without coffee, or chocolate.

    I mean, I could get by, but wouldn't want to!

    Thanks for coming by today...

  11. Where do I sign up for the coffee guard? I will be right there.
    BTW Hi Jim. I know I'm late for the morning fix, of course I did have a few already.
    But come join me for another cup

  12. Hey JoJo...I'll be right there! never could turn down an invite to another cup with a friend.

    I'm glad you're signing up for the "Coffee Guard"...can't ever have too many good folks there, ya know?

    So glad you could drop by today...

  13. My Hermit uncle, to get it one only need look at the # of people who consume the Dark Substance...

    mess with even a minute percentage of them and glean HOW MUCH in fees...

    Yeah, so I'm a conspiracy believer. When it looks like a turd, and smells like a turd...

  14. I have never flown. I have no reason to, and if I were to visit a place like Deutschland, I would take a boat. I like smoking, drinking, and moving around to much to accept the bs that comes with a plane ride.

  15. Hey Jennersen...From what I understand, it's getting worse every day. I will not fly unless it's an emergency, and I'd almost have to be drunk before hand!

    Thanks so much for dropping by!

  16. I bought a ticket to go fishing in a few weeks. Having second thoughts. Not on the fishing...the flying. May eat the ticket and hop in the truck!

  17. The use of the pun "fly fishing" immediately comes o mind! I think I would least that way you could stop and get out and walk around if you wanted to!

    Thanks for coming by...
