Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just A Little Warning...!

Don't know if any of you ladies are planning a wedding anytime soon, but just a word of warning!

You don't wanna let your men folk pick out the wedding cake, unless you have a real good sense of humor! They might just get carried away!

But then again, if you DO let them pick the cake out, it might go a long way to making for a long and happy union, if you know what I mean! Think about what you could ask for come the first anniversary...and the second and third and...well, you get the picture!

Now, guys...if you do get to choose the cake, may I suggest something that includes the little lady in the decoration. Maybe this picture will give you a starting point!

That's really all I had, just wanted to let the ladies have something to think about this morning!

Now, what do you say to some fresh coffee, my friend!


  1. That ain't half bad HJ...of course, I could do without the deer heads, but if they are chocolate/sugar/something edible it'd work. Maybe a nice squirrel or chipmunk toasting the happy couple! ;P

  2. I'm thinking chocolate deer...with maybe peanut butterantlers! Does that sound OK? You know, maybe a squirrel is a good idea!

    Hery, thanks for the visit Momma!

  3. Morning to yah Jim. That's a riot!!! I think it's missing some empty shells around the base though! lol
    You have yourself a fantastic day!

  4. Likely that's one of them San Francisco wedding cakes...where I came from Lady Deer don't have no little spike antlers...just sayin'....

  5. LOL @ Spokes, that cracked me up!

    Good thing I don't like cake. The heads on top are really weird. It would be like eating Bambi.

    Good find Jim.

  6. Hey Cath...now why didn't I think of the empty shells around the base? You must have had one of these before...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Spokes...now that you mention it...it is a little spooky!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Lydia...I'll have to see what I can come up with for you, maybe in the form of a cookie.

    We are saving the Bambie for the cook out...Bambi Burgers!

    Thanks for coming by!

  7. Spokes...right on! Definately a prop 8 cake there, lol. Though peanut butter antlers wouldn't last long with me, so it would be as it should be before the cake was cut.

    Good on ya!

    Have a good one HJ!

  8. Hey Momma...I know what you mean about the peanut butter! I guess the reason the spikes are there, is cause I know how all us guys are about trying a little sample before the cake is put out. This way, we (I mean, they) have something to break off and sample without leaving finger prints in the icing!

    Sounds logical, huh?

  9. I think it's best to just let the ladies pick the cake.
    Less future grief for the guys along with less financial stress.

  10. Hey Eddie...ya know, I think you're right! Better to start off on the right foot, I'm thinking!

    Thanks for coming by!

  11. You been out in the sun to long again Jim?
    No cake-Just diamonds and chocolate-she will love you forever

  12. Shucks...you would think I would remember that after being married before. I don't mind the diamonds, but sharing my chocolate...that's another story!

    Thanks for the visit!

  13. I reckon a woman who would LIKE that cake is every feller's dream!

  14. haha that is an awesome cake!

  15. Hey Mayberry...can't ever tell, there might be one or two out there somewhere! Maybe...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Kookster...looks pretty cool, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the visit!

  16. No diamonds required for this chick! Matter of fact, haven't had one on my hand in a LONG time (something like 8yrs)...I'd go for a good 3 season tent and some cold weather gear...yeah...sure would! 'Course, I'm the oddball girly that didn't pick out her wedding cake! ;P

    Oh and HJ, I don't mind fingerprints in icing...I'm bad about that myself!

  17. Looks more like a starting nine-point to me, Uncle. But I could be miscounting...


    Good stuff! And the blog was entertaining, too...

  18. Spokes, you got a point-- no pun intended..! Knew there was somethin' straaaange about her...

  19. Reckon they could use a deer stand as the alter?? Bwhahahahaha...

  20. Hey Momma...I sure am glad to see that we are more and more thinking along the same lines...

    The Nephew (Cygnus) and I were just talking about a Magellen tent and cold weather gear today!

    Is that the one you are going to use in the backpacking trip?

    Somehow, I just knew you weren't the biamond type...may I suggest some roses instead?

    And on the icing...could have you join me in scrapping the bowl clean?

  21. Hey Ernie...reckon they will have a 4 wheel drive as a get-away car with cans tied to the bumper...?

    Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  22. HJ~ Haven't picked out a good tent yet to be honest. Probably just drag along the old Ozark Trail one that stood up to some serious rain last summer and save up for a good one for later trips. I'm weighing the benefits for the time, lol.

    No roses either...just grab some petals from a field you're passing by, I'm a wildflower kinda girl! Oh and feel free to grab a spoon and dig into the icing before it even hits the cake!

    Cygnus~ Why thank you! I don't hear that phrase connected to me very often...unless it's attached to the words 'cooking, candy or Mommy"!

  23. Hey Momma...just so you know, the roses grow just to the side of my little abode...in a flower bed. Presently there are 4 different bushes there that produce some of the most fragrant gems you can imagine!

    Only the homegrown for you...

  24. It actually looks kinda romantic.

    Last wedding I went to, the groom had a groom's cake with a ball and chain on top, and groom and the groomsmen all wore cowboy hats.

  25. At least the colors are ,for the most part, neutral! I'd say that was a good start to a wedding, wouldn't you agree?

    Thanks so much for stopping by...
