Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Again...

I'm tired of talking about all the bad stuff and the unlikely future and the ignorance of our leaders on the Hill...

I think it's about time that I try and put up something a little more upbeat to start the day! If I had only half the energy and talent of this young lady, I could take on the world!

But some days it's all I can do to lift my coffee cup. Must be my old age catching up to me...that's why I like a tune like this to help get my juices flowing a bit! Try it and see if you don't get a little bit of a boost as well!

See what I mean? Nothing like a little youthful energy to make you want to dance! You just gotta love a little fiddle music on the porch in the morning to go with your coffee!

Well, you have a good day, my friends! Oh, and by the way...I'd like to say "Welcome!" to all the new folks that have joined us recently. I am really glad you came by and I hope to see you again!

Now why don't we all get a fresh cup of coffee and sit on the porch a bit!


  1. Far out-Great way to start my morning Jim

  2. ...lil girl has got talent,thats fer sure...anyone else ever notice,there really is no 'bad' way to play a fiddle ?...get a banjo and fiddle,and you got entertainment for the ages...

    ...well,lots to do today Jim,better make the bean a double...

  3. Good morning Jim
    That was really nice compared to all the gloom and doom.
    Have a great day.

  4. Hi Jim!

    Yes, to get energy from this talent was uplifting.Try to find the things in life that is uplifting.It´s a good start with coffee and some wisdom:)

  5. Hey Michelle...Thank you for the comment and for dropping by, Michelle!

    Hey Tony...pretty good for a nine year old, huh? Lots better than I could do!

    Good to see you this morning, my friend!

    Hey Ken...just gotta love the fact that some young folks are picking up the old skills, ya know? Be nice to have one or two in our camp if and when...know what I mean?

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey are you today, my friend? Glad you like the selection...and that you could drop by!

    You have a good one as well!

    Hey good to see you! There are a lot of good things out there to give us a little joy and positive energy...but we just need
    to look a little harder for them!

    Thaqnks for coming by this morning!

  6. Aww heck HJ, you aren't old...just well seasoned or aged. Like a fine wine!

    Thanks for the vid, nice and uplifting!

  7. Hey long as I don't act my age, I'm OK...

    You know the old saying..."I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was!"

    That pretty much says it for me...thanks for coming by, my Ozark friend!

  8. That was excellent Jim. The cabin in the background, and the talent. Thats what it is all about.

  9. Hey FCHermit...kinda makes you want to be there on the porch, doesn't it?

    Oh well, hopefully it won't be long for me!

    Hey, Thank you for coming by this morning!

  10. I'll take the coffee...been a busy week & could relax to some good music.

  11. Hey is always on and waiting, my friend. I can imagine that it has, indeed, been a busy week.

    Good to see you again and thanks for stopping by!

  12. I like the look on her face ... "What do you mean, remarkable? I been doing this since I was a kid." Bet u never told your followers that u once played first violin for the Houston Youth Symphony!
