Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well, I Finally Found It...!

Well, I finally found it!

You know how we are always thinking that there is something missing in our preps? We get those feelings that we have somehow missed a very necessary item and can't rest until we find the item, long before we need it.

That's when we always seem to find what the missing item is...when we need it the most! In fact we even have a very well used saying for just such a case...

So, before we find ourselves up there, maybe we should stop by here! This could save us from ever having to use that well worn statement again!!

A timely stop and purchase here, before we ever get anywhere close to there...and we could be that much closer to solving the mystery of the missing prep item!

So don't ever be "Up Shit Creek without a paddle" again...OK?

Now, I feel better! What do you say to a fresh cup of coffee, my friend?


  1. Sheeet now I need a paddle.Next I'll need a boat.

  2. That's a great picture! Lord knows we've all been up that creek a time or two.

  3. Hey Tony...I get that same feeling from time to time...

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

    Hey Grumpyunk...ain't it the truth? I didn't know such a place even existed, but at least now I know there is hope!

    Thanks for the visit this morning...

  4. Hi Jim, you come up with the greatest stuff. I just can't wait to grab my cup and visit w/y every morning.
    This morning I am on a mission, I pay for my litte camper (Chalet) and set up apt. to get my hitch. I can hardle wait to hit the road.
    BTW love your little man

  5. Hey are ya doing this morning? It's good to see ya!

    So, are you off on a trip, or just getting things ready for the "just in case"?

    I'd like to see some pics of your little camper one of these days...

    Say, you have a good morning, my friend!

  6. Hey Jim, taking some short trips for awhile as I need to be close to look in on dad. Will send some pics as soon as I can. want to get out of the 3dgt weather often so I will head for the mnts.

  7. Hey be careful out's a jungle and getting worse all the time!

    Looking forward to the pics and the stories of your trips. In that fashion, I get to go as well!

  8. I'm definitely going to patronize that store! I wonder if they sell a paddle small enough to fit in a cup and stir coffee . . . novelty item?


  9. Hey Nancy...would be fun to have on, wouldn't it? Might be a fun gift to give someone with a note saying something like "so you'll never be up the creek without one"

    I really appreciate you taking the time to drop in today!

  10. That's a great one HJ. Still laughing.

  11. Hey OldFurt...that was my reaction when I saw it as well! Just couldn't go without putting it out for all to see! Who would have thought such a place even existed?

    Thanks so much for coming by today, my friend!

  12. That was a hoot Jim!

    Thanks for that.


  13. Hey John...pretty funny, huh? Hey, thanks for stopping by!

  14. Hi Jim! Check out this You Tube film of "Do you know Jack Schitt?" Sorry, I don't know how to link to it myself.

  15. Hey JLC...thanks for the link! I'll go and check it out and if you want, I can tell you how to link to the link.

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  16. Wonder if they sell toilet paper...

  17. Hey Cygnus...or maybe just a clean pair of undies? Ya know...just in case!

  18. Dang it HJ...I just about drown myself! Shoulda known better than to visit you with a drink in hand already! ;P

  19. HermitJim, the way things are going, they could franchise these all over the country, would have more stores than WalMart...

  20. Hey Momma...always glad to lend a bit of humor to your day! I am so glad that you could drop's always a pleasure for me when you do!

    Hey Coyote...with as many visitors that old creek gets, this little store would be a very well used stopover, I'm thinking!

    Many thanks, my brother, for stopping by!

  21. Uncle Jim, I can't tell you how many times I have needed this store. Thank you so much for letting us know about it, next time I'll have a paddle. And there will be a next time. Thank you my friend.

  22. Very nice! Where exactly is that store located? Can I just order online and have them ship me a case? ;) Hate to be without my paddle when I need it!

  23. Hey Bullseye...there always seems to be a next time in our future for a trip up this creek, doesn't it? Guess all we can do is to be as prepared (paddle wise) as possible!

    Thanks so much for coming by today...

    Hey Angela...sometimes I think that having a case of these paddles might not be such a bad idea!

    I really am glad you took the time to come by tonight!
