Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All Fixed Up And Safe Again...!

Just in case anyone was wondering...

All problems were taken care of and all is now well again! Don't you just love a happy ending...?

More coffee anyone...?


  1. Glad to see you were able to fix it.

  2. Hey too, my brother! Wasn't as hard as I feared, maybe because I caught it quickly.

    Hey, thanks for the visit and good wishes, my man!

  3. Glad to see you're back up and running again Jim.

    Good thing it wasn't the "big crash and burn." That could have gotten real expensive.

  4. Hey got that right! Been there and done that! Appreciate the good thoughts...and for thr visit!

  5. Wow, and i had to work right through them. Sans-computer work, that is.

    Course, had I been here, we all know I'd have handled it with patience and grace.

    From my ocean-front porch property in Arizona. Right?

  6. Glad to see you've got it all up to snuff again Jim. Ever check out the boys over on the forum at Majorgeeks dot com? They've helped me a number of times with all kinds of computer problems.

    Thanx for the great tune-age too. Be Happy! :-)


  7. Hey Cygnus...yeah, I just KNOW how calmly you would have fixed it!
    But it's done, and I didn't even break any innocent bystanders in the process!

    Hey LarryB...yeah, I've been to MajorGeeks quite a few times! Learned a LOT!

    Good thing I don't have too many problems...

    Thanks for coming by!

  8. Glad all is well with the Hermit. My ISP shut down last night for repairs for over an hour..longest hour of my life. LOL

  9. Hey Bullseye...I hear ya on that! During and right after the last hurrican, I was without for a week! Really bummed me out and led to the purchase of another broadband grabber!

    Wer sure are spoiled, huh? Hey, thanks for stopping in, my man!

  10. Good Evening my Friend, glad you caught that nasty business right away. And I love ole' Bob pulled the ear phones right out when I saw the picture and turned up the volume. :) old hippies never die. Sure would not have been he same for coffee without you.

  11. Hey JoJo...glad I got it fixed before coffee on the patio in the morning! Couldn't stand not having coffee with my friend!

    I'll see you in the A.M., Pretty Lady!

  12. OH and Cyg was not here today sitting on my Arizona Beach front porch! LOL

  13. Nice to see you're up and running again Jim. We'd be kinda worried and unhappy if you were'nt on for a prolonged amount of time.

  14. Hey gptta watch the nephew! He likes the ladies nearly as much as I do!

    Hey FCH...I'm glasd I made it! Don't want to miss a day, believe me! Been there, done that!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by. my friend!
