Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter, Everyone...

What with the food and eggs and family...let's not forget the true reason for the celebration of this special holiday.

Whatever you do to enjoy the day, I wanted to reach back into my fast diminishing memory and play something for you that I remember from my childhood! Believe me, that's reaching a LONG way back!

I'm sure your kids know this song. If not, then it's a fun song to teach them. If you don't know it, you're just a kid...but I love ya anyway! So here it is, Eggheads...enjoy!

Now, let's grab a hard boiled egg, get some more ham, and go sit on the patio table. Don't worry, I brought the coffee pot!


  1. Hey OT...I really appreciqate you dropping by, my friend!

    Have a safe holiday!

  2. You have a great Easter Jim.
    Thanks for the song had not thought about that one in a long time.

    Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

  3. Hey Rod...hope that you and yours have a safe and enjoyable Easter.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Happy Easter Jim;
    That song reaches back farther for me than you.Thanks for playing it.Those were happy times.

  5. Happy Easter Jim,
    Now you quit talking about how old you are cause I resemble that remark. LOL well maybe you have a year or 2 on me. LOL But I did enjoy that song and yes it did bring back good times.
    Speaking of hams will cook mine in a little while. Need to run to the store forgot the beer to pour over it. Oh its Sunday can't buy it until later guess I'll bum one off a neighbor.

  6. Happy Easter, Jim. I'm having a cup right now...and you came to mind.

  7. Hey Tony...some of these songs reach a long way back! Remember the show "The Hit Parade" with the top ten songs of the week?

    Happy Easter, buddy!

    Hey the heck are ya this morning? Are ya going to hide eggs oday? I'm afraid to do that, cause I might forget where they are!

    You have a good one, my friend!

    Hey Eddie...I hope you and the family have a safe and enjoyable holiday as well!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey RV...always a pleasure to share a cup with you, my friend! Maybe someday we can all get together for a big reunion somewhere...

    Happy Easter to you...

  8. Hey Mayberry...Happy Eater back at ya, my friend!

    Have a safe one!

  9. Happy Easter to you, my fine friend!


  10. Happy Easter Jim!

    I will be spending all of my day watching .... TV shows on the 'net, for free, mostly Mystic.



  11. Hery Cat...My smiling friend! How are ya?

    Happy Easter to you and the family as well...

    Hey John...Happy Easter to you. Hope you enjoy the shows...and FREE is a very good price indeed!

  12. Hi Jim... a very happy easter to you and your loved ones. Hope you did some egg hunting for the roomies ;o)

    Have a hoppy time,

  13. Hey Manu...long time, no see! The roomies are more interested in the bunny than in the eggs!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    Really good to see you again, my friend!

  14. Happy Easter! My children got a kick out of the video, so thanks for providing it!

  15. Hey Jim,

    A very Happy Easter to you! I loved the song and pictures, thank you!

    Hope you had/having a wonderful day.


  16. Hey Marie...I'm glad the children enjoyed the song. Many good old songs when I was a kid! Some of them I miss...

    Thanks for the visit!

  17. Hey Lydia...thank you for the good wishes and for the visit!

  18. Happy Easter Jim!

    Sorry I'm a little late with the greeting but having to work on the holiday is the pits!

