Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Don't Like Labels...

To put it simply, I don't like to be labeled.

I don't like to have a sign hung around my neck by someone who doesn't even know me! There are those in this old world that are not happy unless they are running around helter skelter putting labels on folks.

Maybe our view on politics are not the same, maybe our views on religion, on lifestyles, on history, on heroes, on just about anything you can imagine are not the same...but still, don't put a label on me!

Look, here's the thing. Freedom of speech is alive and well, and while I may not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. However, that does NOT include the right to label folks. Labeling people is counter productive. Labeling people is falling into the trap that government and politicians want you fall into. Besides, it is just plain rude.

I don't want to be called a democrat, a republican, a liberal, a conservative, a separatist, a loyalist, pro government, anti government, militia member, terrorist, religious, non religious, left wing, right wing, communist, socialist, Maoist, radical, pacifist, or protester! In fact, I don't want to be called any of these.

There's nothing wrong with people choosing these labels for themselves if that's what they want. That's their right! Any one and every one has that right...the right to choose, to be what they want to be, as long as it does not violate the rights of others.

So , don't label me because you think you know me. You don't know me, not the real me! Even the people that think they know me, don't really KNOW me! Can you understand what I'm trying to say? Am I making any sense? Does any of this ring true for you as well?

So, what am I? How do I think of myself? I think of myself as a simple man, a seeker of peace. a believer! If I had to choose a label for myself, I would say I'm just a common man with many of the same wants and needs and desires and dreams as most other common men.

I guess if you really want to label me, I can't stop you. Maybe I don't even have the right to try. All I can ask is that you label me something that is not negative, but positive! If you don't mind a suggestion, why not just do away with the labels all together?

Now, why don't we just get another cup of coffee, sit on the patio, and talk a bit. Maybe we can just call each other Friend! That's a label I'd be proud to wear!


  1. You're just a wariche-bean junkie; that's what you are! i see it admitted every day in your closing statement...

  2. Hearing you talk of all these labels kinda gives me cartoon visions of us all being jars on shelves ....

    makes me want to be a jar of coffee ... a REALLY big jar ...

    we could all be jars of coffee


    ok maybe thats a sign I need to go grab a cup .... or something

    all I really wanted to say is

    You are definitely labeled as friend in my world, love hearing what you have to say .... and Im addicted to your coffee (_)>

  3. Hey Cygnus...I guess you're right! I might as well admit it!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Missi...I could do that! I wouldn't mind being a jar of coffee. I think!

    Thanks for all the kind words and for stopping by!

  4. Hi Jim;
    Call me anything you want just don't call me late for dinner.I know what I am and so do you friend.

  5. Great post, as always Jim. We have so many labels these days, and polarize accordingly.

    Here's raising a cup to all the folks who are sitting on decks and patios this morning, just chewin' the fat, and enjoying each other's company...


  6. Good morning MY Friend!
    I know the feeling, how about the strange one. Well yes thats me I really don't care to live my life like everyone else, never did, never will.
    So lets have some of that good coffee on the patio I shall entertain everyone with my strangeness. LOL

  7. Sounds like we have alot in common there Jim. Including the coffee addiction. Good speach.

  8. Hey Tony...knowing ourslves is all that matters! I'd share a cup with you any day, friend!

    Hey RV...good coffee, good conversation, and time to enjoy them both! What more could a person want?

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...I sure am gld to see you come by today! You make me smile!Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Frugal...sharing a cup with you this morning! Always good to see you...

    I appreciate you coming by!

  9. I want to be labeled....

    I choose "American" for whatever that word means, good or ill, here at home or across the seas, I am an American.

  10. Hey Catman...I think "American" just about says it all!

    Raising my cup with a "hear, hear" and an "Amen"!

    Thanks for the visit!

  11. Hey Jim. Friend is always a good label to have!

  12. Hey OWM...that it is, pretty lady, that it is!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  13. Making you smile is my pleasure.

  14. Wow! I don't like to be labeled, either, but I think it would be safe to label us both as coffee drinkers.

    Now, how about pouring another one? ;-)


  15. Hey ExWac...I think you can saftely say that! Not a bad group to be in, huh?

    Another cup coming up! Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  16. i wes jes tryin te label ye, is all, uncle...

  17. I know exactly what you mean! People have called me an atheist because I'm not Christian, but I'm not an atheist, nor whatever they want to decide I am. I don't fit in their little box, and they don't like it.

    To decide what to label oneself would require an understanding of what the "self" ultimately is. Now there's a question for the philosophers.

  18. Hey Made...I think often in the act of trying to put us in their own box, people are demonstrating their fear of being alone with themselves. That's why they are seeking the company.

    Thanks for dropping by again!

  19. Agree with the no labels except American or coffee lover. After meeting new people I always want to add "and I don't own any jumpers either".

  20. Hey Stephanie...sounds like some pretty good labels to me, friend!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, Stephanie!
