Saturday, April 25, 2009

Something New For My New Location...

I found something today that I hadn't seen before, but I'm sure that some of you have.

This is a picture of a collapsible rain barrel or water storage barrel. Now to me, this seems like a very practical item. It would only need to be set up when needed, and could be stored out of the way when not in use.

At 30 gallons each, several of these could help make the difference in the supply of water. The fact that it has a built in screen on top is a plus. The price is certainly a BIG plus, as it is about as inexpensive as you can find anywhere! Cost at Harbor Freight is $17.97 each!

Just seems to me that it would be a lot easier to move when empty as well! I'm thinking that living in a small space, this could be very handy!

Anyway, that's about all I had for now...except to say that I am starting to get rid of all my unnecessary stuff and have actually started the packing process to see what I actually need to take with me.

Might as well get ready now instead of waiting, don't you think? Now let's go get a fresh cup of coffee...OK, my friend?


  1. Hermit M'Man, I could NOT agree less on any and EVERY front!
    The rain barrels seem a prepper's/ homesteader's DREAM...

    As does packing for flight..
    And we Swans ken that, I reckon...

    SWEET INFO, Uncle! Thanks!!!

  2. Or, um, MORE.

    Ah, hell-
    I mean I AGREE!
    ::grunmbling~damned friday nights and An Hauser Busch~::

  3. Brilliant idea hermit, I don't think I have seen those in Aussie yet!

  4. Hey Cyg...I was hearing what you meant, and not what you said...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Molly...I just found them yesterday, so I don't know how long they have been around! I would think that someone in the Aussie marketplace would be carrying them

    Hey, I sure do appreciate the visit this morning!

  5. Hey Mayberry...about the most affordable and practical thing I've found lately, ya know!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

  6. Mornin Friend,
    Thats pretty cool. Harbor Freight is a cool place and their prices are really good. Lets sit on the patio and talk about all the neat stuff we have seen there, and of course the coffee should be taken out as well.

  7. Hey special friend! Always makes my day when you drop in.

    Sitting on the patio with you is one of the high points of my day!

    And I always bring out the coffee with me...!

  8. hi...i just read about the "rain barrel". i am from the states so maybe ours are different than yous. i have had these for years and i use them to carry leaves to the composter and as a garden waste basket lined with a bag. i have never used them for water and though they might initially work, the bottoms wear out fast. this doesn't interfere with the way i use them but obviously would not work for holding water. just thought i would pass this along! joyce

  9. This is really cool, thanks for the info. :) It seems much more practical than the huge 66 gallon wine barrels my sister-in-law (brother's wife) is setting up.

    Have a great weekend!


  10. Hey Jaz...these are sold by Harbor Freight as a rain barrel. Here is the link In Texas, the compost barrel you talk about is different than this one. We sold the collapsable compost barrel when I worked at Ace hardware...

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey Felinae.I am getting at least 2 of these tomorrow! Seems like a great thing to me!

    Thanks for coming by !

  11. glad i am wrong! as soon as i saw them i was thought of my leaf bags and jumped to conclusions. then i went back and saw they had a top and a faucet, etc.. my brain is all blogged up! joyce

  12. Hey Joyce...not a problem! I'm glad you took the time to come by and give me a read! I know that everyone is busy with their own stuff, so the visits by other folks means a lot to me. I appreciate it, I really do!!!
