Monday, April 27, 2009

This Is Interesting...!

Although this is all conjecture, it still makes for an interesting video.

With the news focused on the swine flu, this makes for an interesting look at a possible time frame of events. It could happen just this fast!

Again, let me just stress that we should all keep our heads, and don't over-react to the situation. Always remember, the Preppers prepare for the worse...and hope for the best!

Now do you see the importance of just being ready all the time? Some of us do! Please, won't you come and join us?

Now, c'mon my friend! Let's get another cup of coffee and talk about as better future for us all!


  1. Morning to yah Jim!! Listen, I am FULLY prepared and that scared me! lol BTW, did anyone see that story on the CBC? One of the commenters to the flu story is a Canadian who is living in Mexico. He is bringing his family home this week...his spin was that the actual death toll in Mexico wasn't being told. That stuff drives me crazy! If it is true, why isn't the media camped out at hospitals and morgues to substantiate? If it isn't true, why on earth would someone even say something like that???
    Anyway, have a terrific day! Anyone else having a hard time drinking their coffee thru the mask?!?! hehe

  2. I doubt any country gives the accurate count for deaths.And can anybody trust the media?Hell we can't trust our own government.
    All we can do is try to stay prepared.Hopefully the ones left can start over.Can cockroaches make coffee?
    Forget the mask-a few dabs of JD on the lips will do.That reminds me-add some more for the stash.

  3. Thanks, Jim.

    Just what I needed when I'm headed to one of the busiest malls in an area heavily populated by illegal aliens from Mexico.

    Don't forget sunlight folks. UV decontaminates things. Get enough sunlight.

    Team Hall, every government tries to put a happy face on things, and when the government (like Mexico) is teetering on the brink of collapse, they will do everything to limit what gets out. The other issue, most of Mexico is a poor shadow of the 3rd world, if deaths are occurring the word may not even make it out. Mexican media is even more of a mouthpiece for government propaganda than ours is.

  4. Hey Cath...Although the video itself is a work of fiction (mostly) it does show just one of the possible timelines.

    Unfortunately, during a crisis, the government will never tell us all the truth...but only what they consider to be in our best interest.

    Try a straw for the coffee! And thanks for the visit...

    Hey Tony...fresh case of JD added to the list of supplies!

    Stuff like this makes you want to go to the land and camp a while, bottle in hand! Hey, thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey Catman...makes that trip to the mall exciting, huh?

    Plenty of sunlight mixed with a good dose of anti-social type behaviour for a bit could be the answer! Just kiss the wife and kids, and hug the home defenses...

    Thanks or the visit, Catman!

  5. Well that was an eye opener. good morning my Special Friend. So lets load up the Chalet and head for the land. I'll load up the 3lb coffee cans and creamer, does anyone use sugar?. I think about 10 cans of coffee should do us for awhile.

  6. Hey rascal, you! I'll bring the sugar and my tobacco supplies! Gota stop somewhere and get a case or two of chocolate, though!

    The desert should be beautiful this time of year! Maybe we will just stay for a while...

    More coffee coming up!

  7. You want to stop the flu, wash your hands frequently and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and then wash your hands! It's that simple. And if you're feeling sick, stay home! Don't go out. If you're have symptoms, don't wait, go to the doctor.

    And drink some coffee, it won't fight off the flu, but it will calm your nerves ;)

    Remember the press panics about everything. So keep your head.

  8. Hey Mad...good advice, my friend! But you forgot to add..."Don't kiss any pigs!" (4 legged kind, ya know?)

  9. Ah, but pigs in the US are vaccinated against swine flu, so they should be okay... not that I'd want to kiss a pig LOL ;)

  10. Pig kissing isn't real high on my "to do" list either...

    Think I'll stick to the fortified coffee !!

  11. Interesting prediction. Check out this google map of actual reported cases world wide...,-104.501953&spn=37.851677,56.601563&z=4

  12. Sorry that last one didn't work try this:,-104.501953&spn=31.609946,56.601563&z=4

  13. Hey it! Thanks...

    and thank you for stopping by!

  14. Wait just a cotton pickin' minute here! In that video he left out Pole flip and alien invasion! I think that happens on Thursday-remember the Mickey Mouse Club? Thursday was "Anything Goes Day". People, it's just the flu. People are dying of it in a third world s--t hole where TB, AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis, and famine run rampant. That's Mexico, by the way.:) I'm 53 and I remember the other flu outbreaks well. In any or all of them in the USA more folks died slipping in the bathtub than the flu. Sorry about my rant Jim, but you certainly remember those days, that ,for both of us, seem sooooo faaaar awaaaay.:)

  15. Hey Zwick...boy, the Mickey Mouse Club! I haven't thought about them for YEARS! Used to have a crush on Annette and Darline both!

    I think we just don't have the facilities to worry about everything going on in the world. By using some common sense in areas like personal hygene and and such, more than likely we can avoid most of the disasterous "bugs" the governments are warning us about!

    To be honest, I don't totally trust anything the WHO has to say!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

  16. Well, damn, HermitJim, don't we just live in interesting times? Global warming, economic crash, now the SWine flu beastie. A cup sounds good right now, but maybe something a little stronger than coffee...

  17. Hey Coyote...ya know, if I spent all of my time thinking about the bad news that the talking heads present to me as gospel...I would be plumb worn out!

    I guess that they feel if they can keep us distracted enough, we won't notice what's going on right under our noses!

    I'm too old to take on another worry project right I'll just keep on keeping on, ya know?

    Thjanks for the visit today!

  18. in truth... Whomever made that video doesn't know jack about flu...What we are seeing today is phase 1...and that is not bad so far...Phase 2 mutated virus is the real worry...
    BUT, WE are Preppers and preppers don't panic...Times like these are why we prepped in the first place...
    Granted it will be an interesting year.
    If you're not prepping go to the old cemeteries and look a the number of head stones for the flu years 1918-1920.
    There was another out break in or around 1938 by my headstone count. But I cannot relate which disease killed so many.
    I say keep your head.
    Be sensible.
    Help others.

  19. Hey Dragon...that is the best advice anyone can pass on. Don't panic...

    The Preppers work toward being ready for any natural or un-natural situations. Being able to ride out whatever comes is my main goal, and helping family as I'm able is what we have always done.

    Has to be family first, then friends...but then that's just my take. Each person has to make their own choices.

    I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment today!

  20. To prep is all one can do. Ya can't prep for everything, but ya can prep for most things! Great post my friend! It's a bit late for coffee, but I tilt me brown bottle to ya.....

  21. Hey Mayberry...prepping is all about expecting the unexpected, right? That's what we do...or should be doing!

    Hey, the brown bottles are welcome at the patio table as well...only with the rain coming down like it is right now, the garage might be a little dryer!

    Many thanks for coming by!

  22. I reckon that flu tries houston it'll be drowned out...

  23. Hey Cyg...reckon that even the swine flu might find Houston too wet to handle...just like you said!

    The rain keeps up, we may have to get a boat!

  24. Very interseting indeed my friend. I think it will be an interesting week here for us all as this plays out. Good stuff my man. Keep it coming.

  25. Hey Bullseye...lately every week is more interesting than the week before!

    Thanks for the visit, my man!

  26. I can't watch the video because of rural dial-up. I wrote about my thoughts on all this today on theKansas Preppers Network.
