Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time To Man Up...!

On the serious side today...

I'm sure that most of you are aware of this group. Many of you may even be a member! Either way, I want you to do something for me as a group. I don't ask for much, but this is very important to me and to our country!

First, I want you to please watch this won't take but just a minute, however the message is very important!

Now, what I want you to do is to go over to a blog of a friend of mine and read the plan he is putting together. If you are not in Texas, I ask you to still go by and let him know that you support the cause, OK? Will you do this for me? Thank you, my friends.

Now, let me buy you a cup of coffee! You can get the next round...


  1. Thanks for the plug HJ.
    The coffee is on me.

  2. Wish I could be there. Like I told YOF if the shtf and bail money is needed I'll contribute.
    Good luck, and god bless all.

  3. Got 'em linked at my place too Hermit, hope the word gets out.

  4. Hey thanks needed, my friend. Glad to do it!

    Hey could anyone get upset at folks affirming their oath of loyalty to the U.S.? Hopefully no bail money will be needed, but the support is always welcome! Good to see ya, my friend!

    Hey Bullseye...all we can do is try, my brother!

    Hey guys, I apprciate you coming by today!

  5. The first to be upset would be our federal government.

  6. You‘re kidding right? An Aprils Fools joke from the Hermit? Can‘t quite imagine traveling to the least free state of the nation to claim the concept of freedom.

    However for all the delusional optimists that decide to attend; be sure to leave your firearms at home…Massachusetts has totally abrogated your second amendment guarantee and like as not some of those oath takers…you know, the guardians of the republic…will toss your butt in jail and confiscate the arms.

  7. Hey do realise that we are talking about getting together in Gonzales, Texas...right? The majority of us can't make it to Lexington,so YOF is trying to get a group to go to Gonzales instead!

    We are still pretty free here in Texas!

  8. Nope, didn’t realize that Hermit…my apologies for getting my daily exercise by jumping to conclusions.

    God speed to the patriots of the Republic of Texas!

  9. I'm sorry, my friend, for not being more clear about what the plans were. I am adding another post to explain more fully...

    Thanks again for taking the time to drop by!

  10. At first, I thought what you were talking about was a good thing, and in general it is. But when I saw your friend's blog, and he was talking about getting Chuck Norris to show up, that's when you lost me.
    Norris has advocated the secession of Texas from the United States. What Norris said is treason and Unconstitutional.
    I'm sorry Jim, I can not do that. I believe too much in my country and our Constitution to follow someone like Norris.
