Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Blast From The Past...!

I'm sorta missing the more innocent days lately...

So, just to get a taste of them once more, I decided to put together my own version of some good old fashioned Saturday morning entertainment like we used to have! I think a couple of you will remember a few of these!

As often is the case when hearing an old song or seeing an old memorable scene from a movie, the floodgates open to a past we thought was forgotten, but really was merely misplaced somewhere in the attics of our minds. See if you don't agree...

And how many times did you spend the most of a Saturday at the movie matinee...?

Of course, no trip to the movies would be complete without the Saturday you thought I forgot, didn't ya? Not on your life, my friend!

Now let's grab a fresh cup, sit on the patio a while, and reminisce a bit about the "good old days"! OK, my friend?


  1. Morning HJ,
    Truly a "blast from the past". Remember the Wolfman? Wonder what he's doing now? Or even if he's still alive.

  2. Good morning my Friend,
    That was Great. I remember some of the stuff but not all, must be before my time or at least the memory of it.:) I don't think I ever saw the Tom & Jerry cartoon before. What a great way to start this Sat. Now if the idiot next door can just sit outside without turning on that damn radio it will be wonderful. I guess I can always turn the hose on him and his radio. It would be an accident you know.:)

  3. Hey YOF...
    Sorta makes us realise how much some things have changed, huh?

    I don't know about the Wolfman, I'll have to check it out, I guess!

    Good to see ya this morning...!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad I found a crtoon that was new to you. Since you're just a "spring chicken" I wouldn't expect you to know all these things...

    I better warn the neighbor NOT to turn on the radio, as I don't doubt for a minute that you would hose him down...on accident, of course!

  4. Thanks, Jim, that was quite a trip down memory lane. There's some of the stuff I don't remember real well, but other stuff that jumped right out at me like it was yesterday.

    The Saturday double features with two cartoons and a mess of previews. Every Saturday afternoon my brother and I, and all our buddies would go to the movies. Mom loved it 'cause she got rid of us for several hours. I also remember Sunday afternoons during the winter watching "Charlie Chan", "Ma & Pa Kettle", and "Abbott & Costello" movies on the TV.

  5. Hey Eddie...
    Can't forget the Saturday serial, both on TV and at the know, the old cliff hangers where you had to tune in next week to see what happened.

    Certainly seemed to be a more innocent time to me!

    Thanks for coming by, Eddie!

  6. ...mornin' Jim(almost noon,once again thanx for some flashbacks...a few good thoughts can set ya up for a good day,know what i mean...

  7. Poor Tom! The kids and I again enjoyed the cartoons:) Thanks.

    I posted a link to your chicken poem on my site this week.

  8. Hey Ken...
    Good thought do indeed affect the pattern of our day! And a good cartoon never hurts either!

    Thanks for the visit, brother!

    Hey HSJ...
    I really appreciate you dropping in today. I'm glad to see the kids get a charge out of the 'toons!

    I appreciate the link to the little poem about the chickens!

    Thank you!

  9. I remember as a child watching Tom and Jerry cartoons on Saturday mornings as my mom would work on breakfast in the kitchen. To be a child again. Good post my friend.

    M.D. Creekmore
    The Survivalist Blog

  10. Hey MD...
    I appreciate you taking the time to drop in and comment today!

    Always a pleasure to have you visit!

  11. Hey Flea...
    Good to see ya here today! In the old days, we knew who the bad guys were. We had no trouble spotting our heroes, either.

    I've said before that the only memories I have of my dad laughing out loud was to the "Road Runner" cartoons and when he watched a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movie.

    Hey I appreciate you dropping by and taking the time to comment today!

  12. And I remember my Dad playing Polkas on the record player really LOUD on a Sunday morning and laughing when it woke me up.
    He knew I was out late the night before so he thought it was funny I guess.
    Those were my early 20 years. Not my kid years. haha
    Thanks Jim,
    Have a great Mother's Day with your Mom tomorrow, OK?

  13. And I remember my Dad playing Polkas on the record player really LOUD on a Sunday morning and laughing when it woke me up.
    He knew I was out late the night before so he thought it was funny I guess.
    Those were my early 20 years. Not my kid years. haha
    Thanks Jim,
    Have a great Mother's Day with your Mom tomorrow, OK?

  14. Hey Blondie...
    Sounds like he knew just how to get you out of bed, huh?

    Hey, you have a good Mothers Day, my friend!

  15. Hey Jim

    You just know how to entertain and keep people smiling my friend. I love when you put up the saturday morning toons.


  16. Hey Missi...
    So good of you to drop by. I'm glad you like the 'toons, my friend.

    You know that it's my desire to entertain and try and help people to smile!

    Thanks for coming by, Missi

  17. Still gots me tonsils; never did the movie theatre thingie...
    But Tom and Jerry?!?

    I am SO THERE, dude!



  18. Hey Cyg,,,
    Man's got to have a little SAFE fun on the weekend, right?

    Best I could do with limited resources, ya kin?

  19. Still got my tonsils too, hope to keep 'em. I still watch Tom and Jerry daily with my 3 year old, she loves them almost as much as I do. Good stuff Ol' Coffee Drinking One, good stuff.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  20. Hey Bullseye...
    Tell the little one that they were just for her benifit! Glad to see you're bringing the young'un up right!

    Many thanks, buddy, for coming by.
