Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm Just That Kind Of Guy...!

I finally found a song that pretty much describes me, my life, and personality.

Even though this guy sounds a lot like Roger Miller, his name is really Leroy Pullins. So spare me the comments that the video title is wrong...that is on YouTube...not me, OK? OK! Whatever his name, this song just about sums it up for me!

After listening to it, you may see that it explains a lot about who and what I am!

See what I mean? So, now you know a little bit more about the Hermit than you did...maybe!! (insert big grin and evil laugh here!)

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit at the patio table before it reaches 100 again...which should be around 10:00 A.M.


  1. Haha! I Loved it! and I am right there with ya Uncle Hermit. I am a bit nutty myself.

    It's been hittin' 100 out here too, but not at 10:00 in the morning, more like 12:00 in the afternoon.

    Have a good day and try and stay cool.


  2. Hey Felinae...
    glad you liked the song...sorta fits some of us to a tee, don't ya think?

    I have a feeling that Summer is onna be a bear this year!

    Hey, appreciate the visit today!

  3. Good morning my special one, well we seem to be on the same page again. LMAO.
    I just stuck my nose out the door and it is nasty already here too.
    Seems alittle on the humid side also. Just have to get somewhere with the camping thing soon want outta here!

  4. LMAO-Great way to start the day.
    The world needs a few more

    Temps here all week in the 90's with high humidity. Must be Florida.

    And yes you can drink coffe while in the pool.

  5. Hey JoJo...
    Guess we are lucky 9:00 it's only 85 on the ptio, but the humidity is at 54% and climbing!

    I know what you mean with the camping thing...

    Thanks for the early visit, Jo.

    Hey Tony...
    Glad to bring a smile to ya this moening, my friend!

    I think nearly everywhere it's very hot, except for mu place in the desert. Just average there, and even cooler that in Houston yesterday!

    Thanks for dropping in, Tony!

  6. Yup 85 on the porch humity 45 thunder storms for pm the rest of the week and part of next. Guess I can't complain about the rain we always need that.

  7. Hey JoJo...
    It's 94 degrees on the patio...I ju7st checked! Yesterday at my place in the desert, it was 88...

    Rain is good! July is the rainy month in my desert with and average of 2.5 inches for the month!

  8. It should be July here to but we will take it any time it wants to come. Your desert sounds better than this one, when do we leave.;-)

  9. Kyddryn = nuttier than a Claxton fruitcake...

    And it ain't the heat that done it..

    What I'd like to know, Mister Hermit, sir, is if it's wrong that the song made perfect sense to me?

    Oh, well...I like Crazy - they keep a room for me there, and my face is on the currency.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who prefers to think she's delightfully dingy rather than scary-crazy)

  10. Hey JoJo...
    Let's take off around the first of September, OK?

    Hey K...
    I wouldn't worry...the song made sense to me also! Makes some good points about being the way we are, like the fact that our lives will never be in a rut!

    I guess in today's polite circles, we would be called "slightly eccentric", but dingy works for me! Easier to spell, as well!

    Thanks for the visit, my entertaining friend!

  11. Wretha needs our help! The fedgov is tryin' to take her down!!!

  12. Sounds good to me. Where should we meet up at?

  13. Oh its been years since I heard that song! Mom & Dad sure did like their music.

    Now if you know a song that has "if you see 'em standing their, in their dirty underwear, that's Tennessee bird talk..." Whoever sang that was another favorite.

  14. Hey Stephanie...
    The song you are looking for is here.

    It was another fun song!

    Thanks for coming by today!
