Monday, June 8, 2009

Life Is Like A Garden...!

Have you notices the similarity between our lives and our gardens?

I mean, when you think about it, there are a lot of things that are alike. When you start a garden, you plan it carefully. You try and keep all the aspects under control, taking into account the sudden curves thrown at you by mother nature.

You nurse the young plants in their growing stage, pulling the weeds and making sure the bugs don't get out of hand. You make sure that the plants have plenty of water, but never too much. You watch out for and do what you can to keep out the birds, and at the same time hope that the bees and the ladybugs find their way into your garden to lend a hand!

That's a lot like life! You make plans, trying to consider all the sudden, path altering things that might happen. You try and keep all your fresh plans guarded from the weeds of life, like negative influences from friends and family. You do what you can to support your plans with study and research and support groups and forums.

You try and keep the plan destroyers, like your garden's slugs and snails, from creeping in from the outside, usually in the guise of false friendship and misleading mentor ship. You do what you can to guard against the obvious attackers, just like the birds of your garden, although in life it is usually the paper tigers and negative thinking sheeple that try and discourage you and destroy your hopes and dreams.

You invite into your support circle all the like-minded individuals that can help and teach both by example and good and useful suggestions. These are your real life bees and ladybugs, lending their expertise to the fulfillment of your plans and dreams!

In your garden, your harvest is a life sustaining validation of your ability to work with nature and against the odds to succeed! In life, the fulfillment and fruition of all your hopes and dreams furnish the validation, although none is really needed.

So both in the garden and in life, work at controlling what you can, ignore your detractors and negative influences, welcome your supporters and your helpmates, and in the end you can sit back and truly enjoy the fruits of your physical and mental labors!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a bit...maybe we can talk about our gardens and our dreams!


  1. Sounds like very sage advice, Uncle Hermit.

    I hope you have a pleasant Monday!


  2. One does one's best, and one hopes it's enough, and if one should discover one's best is not rolls with it...

    Nicely written, sir. Cheers.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  3. Hey Felinae...
    Glad you think it's good advice and I thank you for stopping by this beautiful morning!

  4. Hey K...
    Good to see you this morning! Doing our best is always the only thing we can do...and like you say, we hope for the best!

    Thank you for the visit and kind words!

  5. I had never made that correlation before but reading it now it makes perfect sense. Great advice.

  6. Hey MsBelinda...
    I'm glad that it seems like a good comparison...

    thanks so much for coming by and commenting...

  7. Good morning my Special Friend and all friends on the comments.
    That was a very good post and yes when you stop and think about it it is like a garden isn't it. It also reminds me I have neglected Dad's garden these past few days. Need to go out and water.

  8. Mr Hermit;
    Good advice.

    Follow your dream. Sometimes it takes a little longer than planned.
    I know you can succeed.

    Weeds never win.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Sometimes the little things like the garden can help to keep the mind from wandering back to unhappy things.

    Have a good day and thank you for coming by!

  10. Hey Tony...
    I like that "weeds never win" part!

    We can all just stay true to our own course, for sure!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

  11. Thanks so much for your very grounding comments - no pun intended. We got home from a weekend trip to find the weather had wreaked havoc with a few plants, a pepper plant lying sideways, a lilac flat down on it's side, a squash plant wilted to the hilt but the hearty rhubarb standing tall. Were we to be one of these plants, we are probably the squash - down but not out! But we should be the rhubarb - hearty, early riser, not flashy but dependable, tart but can be made sweet, takes the summer off and rests all winter. Your words always ring true and help to put things in such good perspective. Thank you, Jim!

  12. Yes a garden certainly mirrors life. When the garden growing season is over we let the ground rest and revitalize so that we can till the ground and replant again next season.

    We would do well in life as well, if we would learn we all need a break from constant stress. A brief mind respite would benefit us all.

  13. Too bad "weed be gone" doesn't work on Congress Critters.....

  14. Hey Tramp...
    I like the way that you compaired us to the plants! We could always take lessons from Mother Nature as far as being hearty and resiliant.

    If we could learn to let Mother Nature take her own time and set her own course, we would indeed be better orff!

    Thank you for taking the time to stop in today...

    Hey Rae...
    I do believe that you're right about letting ourselves take a break once in a while from the stress and harshness of life. Maybe we should just learn to have some fun again, like we did when we were kids!

    Thanks, Rae, for coming by...

  15. Hey Mayberry...
    Ain't it the truth? There's a spot that could stand a whole lot of "weeding out" and pruning!

    Thanks for the visit, bro!

  16. I can definately see the similarities. All I can do, is keep on weeding, I guess, and keep on planting.

  17. Hey Hermit...
    That's all we can do, buddy...all we can do!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

  18. You can never have too much weed killer.

  19. Hey Catman...
    A case of "more is better!"

    Thanks for the visit, my man!

  20. Uncle Jim, that was great and so well written. I hope my life is going to do much better than my garden this year. Weeds, weeds, weeds. Oh well, like life, always work to be done. Thanks for a great read my friend.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  21. I love my little garden and I have even been eating some of the weeds!
    That'll teach em.
    Beer washes down the dandelions just fine.

  22. Hey Bullseye...
    If weeds were gold, we would all be rich! I'm thinking of finding a good recipe for weed stew!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  23. Hey Busted...
    Maybe a little dandelion wine would make the weeds taste a bit more like steak!

    Thanks so much for the visit...
