Friday, June 5, 2009

Mom Is Home ...!

Good news! Mom got out of the hospital Thursday! I went and picked her up, loaded her flowers and bags in the car, and said farewell to the money pit known as the local neighborhood hospital!

Her cat, Amy, was glad to have her back home. She sleeps with mom and while mom was gone, Amy slept on a fleece throw right beside mom's chair.

Mom is doing well, and is getting her sea legs back after 3 days in a hospital bed! The main thing is that mom is feeling better and presently has no fever!

She also ask that I send everyone her heartfelt thanks for the prayer and kind words everyone offered up.

Now, as a added special for today's post I have borrowed once again from the
"Old Farmer's Almanac" these fun weather facts about June. Pay attention...there will be a test later!

June Weather Lore

When pigs carry sticks, the clouds will play tricks.

If the birds be silent, expect thunder.

When spiders’ webs in air do fly,
The spell will soon be very dry.

When sheep collect and huddle, tomorrow will become a puddle.

When the glowworm lights her lamp, the air is always very damp.

Bats flying late in the evening indicate fair weather.

See free long-range weather predictions for the months of June and July.

And check your local 7-day forecast for the coming week.

Now I don't know about you, my friends, but I need some fresh coffee! Why not get a cup and join me on the patio for a while?


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    I'm glad to hear that your Mom is home and feeling better. That is really good news.

    I would like to have a cup of coffee with you, thanks for sharing your patio with me for a bit.


  2. Happy to hear your mom is better and is home-which is the best place to be!!
    Take care

  3. Yeah! Glad your mom is better. Tell her I am glad she is better and at home. Give her a hug too.

  4. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, sir. Got any extra-caffeinated? I'm gettin' too old for all this late-to-bed-early-to-rise nonsense.

    Hurrah for your Mum! Home is a much nicer place to recover than the hospital - far less beeping, pinging, fannies hanging out the backs of gowns, and people waking you to see if you're sleeping well enough, then leaving you wide awake when the only thing on television is an infomercial with that loud, obnoxious man whose conversational tone is a shout.

    I used to read the Almanac, but am out of practice. Thanks for the never ceases to amaze and amuse me, how much of it turns out right!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  5. Morning Jim;
    Glad to see your mom home. Prayers do work.

  6. morning Jim

    Wonderful news about your mum

    all the very best


  7. Hey Felinae...
    Thanks so much for coming by to share a cup and a visit...I appreciate it!

    Hey Sue...
    You're right! Home is much better than the hospital andf much more condusive to healing and wellness!

    Thanks for coming over this morning...

    Hey Rae...
    So good of you to take the time to drop in today. I'll pass your good wishes on to Mom...I'm sure she will appreciate them!

    Hey K...
    I think you hit the ail right on the head! That sounds like the same hospital she was in, alright!

    You know, the Almanac might be a facinating tool for homeschooling...just a thought!

    Thanks for taking the time to come by today, K...

    Hey Tony...
    Yes, they do work! I appreciate the good wishes and kind thoughts, my friend!

    Hey Andy...
    So good to see you, my Highland friend! Glad you could drop by for a cup during your travels!

    The pictures you share with us are always such a joy! I thank you for that!

  8. Really glad to see you mom is ok and at home Jim. That is some good things to know on the changing weather. Myself, I usually just scan my knee pain. It seems to be pretty accurate at predicting the changing weather at times.

  9. "If the birds be silent, expect thunder."

    Yeah, birds are usually silent at night. We've had some good t-storms here over night the past few days.

  10. Hey FCH...
    Thanks for the good words about mom. I hear ya on the old knee joints being good about forcasting the weather, for sure! I tend to creak and moan a LOT during or before a storm...

    Glad you enjoyed the little facts about the weather from the almanac. That sure is an interesting book!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

    Hey Catman...
    Funny how those storms at night can either help you sleep or really keep you awake, isn't it?

    I do appreciate you taking the time to come by today, buddy!

  11. Great News !!! I know you are both glad to has this behind you. I pray she will continue to gain strength and health. Will keep you both in my prayers. Now just watch out for those bills, lol

  12. Hey Bullseye...
    You know those BIG ole bills are a-coming! Makes me cringe just to think about it!

    Glad she is feeling better and I appreciate all the kind thoughts an prayers, bro. I really do!

  13. glad to hear your mom is home and doing better.

  14. Hey JoJo...
    My special friend! Thanks for the good wishes. How is dad doing? I hope both he and you are being able to get some rest.

    Take care and keep me informed, OK?

  15. Glad all is well with your Mum now, GB you both:)

  16. Hey Molly...
    Thank you so much! I do appreciate that, I really do!

    You have a great day, and thanks for stopping by...

  17. Glad your mom is home and doing well. Much easier on everyone when mom is home. Bet the cat is glad too!

  18. Hey Stephanie...
    Thanks, my friend. The kitty is certainly glad to have mom back! Hard to be a normal kitty without someone to boss around and ignore!

    I'm glad you could take the time to drop in today...I appreciate it!

  19. Glad to hear your Mom is home and better HermitJim. I use the Farmers Almanac all the time.

  20. Hey YOF...
    Thanks, buddy! I appreciate that!

    The almanac is a fun book, isn't it? Interesting, too!

    Thanks for the visit...

  21. So glad she is home!

    Another one that we have here is, when a turtle crosses the road up hill, we are going to have a frog strangler (means flooding rains)

  22. Hey Phelan...
    I am familiar with the term frog strangler, but have never heard the old saying about the turtle! Have to add that to my list, thanks!

    So glad you could drop by for a visit today!

  23. Hi Jim,

    That's wonderful news!


  24. Jim, I'm behind on the reading and so happy to hear that Mom is home. In my mind's eye, I have a picture of Amy waiting patiently. Glad Mom is on the mend. Life can change in the blink of an eye, so please take care of yourself.

  25. Hey Ginger...
    So glad you haven't forgotten about me! I'm glad to hear that you are getting caught up on your reading...and I know you're about ready for some down time!

    Have a good day!
