Sunday, July 19, 2009

Three Simple Things To Love...!

Just a quick and simple post today to remind us all of the simpl;e things in life.

This song has always been better able to point that out than I could with all the words I could write. There is a lot of truth and wisdom in this song...and I like it!

See what I mean? Truth and wisdom is where you find it, my friends! Always has been...always will be!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and visit for a while on the patio, OK?


  1. Thank you, Mister Hermit, sir...considering the evening I just had, this song is a balm. I'll raise my glass (of water) in a toast to simple pleasures...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Always glad to be of service and I'm pleased that this song served some bit of comfort!

    We would all take comfort if we could pause a moment and remember the simple things, like you do with your photographs of the flowers and such.

    Thanks for coing by friend!

  3. That's a beautiful old song, and I loved the pictures. I understand that there is also much to be said for faster horses, older whiskey, heavier women and more money.

  4. Great song Jim!

    I've had three cups of coffee already this morning and think I'll turn in for now. It was a long night!


  5. Mr Hermit;

    Tom T Hall one of the great story tellers. Great song, great man, thanks for sharing.

    Gonna take today off and just relax.

    See Ya

  6. Good Morning My Special Freind, good song way way before my time I think or the folks just didn't listen to country. But good song anyway.
    Lets have some coffee on the porch before the heat gets to bad. and reflect on the way it was.

  7. ...mornin'Jim,now ya did it,this sunday will be filled with coffee and good music,had a couple of my Tom t Hall and Charlie Pride tapes out last week...funny huh ?...Johnny Cash,Hank Jr too...of course they were 'buffered' with some of my old Maiden and Mettalica,my daughters fav is Kidrock so he visited a few tunes...some days just made fer music...

  8. Hey Vlad...
    I almost put that song on here instead of this one. There were so many good story tellers and songs back in my day, that I just love them all!

    Thank goodness we had some talent like Mr, Hall and the others!

    I appreciate you coming by today, Vlad!

    Hey RW...
    Always a pleasure to have you drop by, my friend!

    Sometimes I can hear my bed a-calling me as well! Must be an age thing! Thank goodness for naps!

    I'm glad you could come by today, buddy!

    Hey Tony...
    Ol' Tom T. was indeed a great story teller and I used to sing with the radio when he would come on!

    Hey, enjoy taking the day off, my friend! I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Guess I'll just have to take you under my wing and learn ya all about the finer points of older country music!

    That should be a lot of fun!

  9. Hey Ken...
    Ain't it the truth, brother! Nothing wrong with filling the day of rest with a little song and a lot of memories!

    We gotta be versatile now days, right?

    Hey, thanks for the visit, Ken!

  10. Thanks for sharing this with us, Uncle Hermit.

    It put me in a music listening mood. Like Ken, I like Charlie Pride, but unfortunately the CD's were my Dad's so they are with him for his listening pleasure.

    I have a Dean Martin greatest hits CD, wonder if that'll fit the bill? it's not country, but hey music is music, and as long as it gets your feet tapping and makes you feel good. I say why not...I might even get brave and dig out some of my old 80's stuff and give a whirl around my kitchen while I do laundry. :D

    Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend.


  11. Hey Felinae...
    All music is good(and no, I don't call RAP music!) and if it can get the foot tapping and the juices flowing a bit...even better!

    When it comes to music, I say if it feels good, do it!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  12. Great minds think alike! I had that one in the que, but ya beat me to it....

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    I guess we are on the same wave length! It's scary how close some of us are with our thinking sometimes!

    I appreciate the visit, buddy!
