Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Way To Avoid Misunderstandings...!

Sometimes it's best to gather all the facts before starting a discourse with someone.

It can prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings later. Here is a good example...!

The Navy Chief noticed a new seaman and barked at him "Get over here! What's your name?"

"Paul" the new seaman replied.

"Look, I don't know what kind of bleeding heart, pansy crap they're teaching sailors in boot camp today, but I don't call anybody by their first name. It breeds familiarity and leads to a breakdown in authority! I refer to my sailors by their last names only; Smith, Jones, Baker...I am referred to only as 'Chief'! Do I make myself clear?"

" Aye Chief!"

"Now that we've got that straight, what's your last name?"

" name is Paul Darling."

"OK, Paul, here's what I want you to do..."

By asking for and accepting full answers before the conversation begins, the facts can discussed more intelligently with fewer chances of being side tracked. Let's talk TO each other, and not DOWN to each other!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside a bit...before it becomes too hot!


  1. :::snort:::

    Thanks for tucking me in with a laugh, Mister hermit, sir!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Good to see you this morning, my lady!

    Always glad to assist a pleasant night's rest with a bit of humor...especially if it contains a tiny bit of truth!

    Pleasant dreams...and thanks for stopping by today!

  3. ...that's a good one Jim,i'll pass that one

  4. Heehee,

    Thank you, Uncle Hermit, that is a good one :D

    I try in my day to day exchanges never to talk down to anyone. I always try to be pleasant and talk to the other person.

    You always have some of the best advice!


  5. You always make my day. This is my first stop in the morning. It is a treat to read what you have posted. Nothing like a cup of coffee and a good morning read to start the day off right.

    Who needs TV for entertainment. The Hermit's place is better and a whole lot more fun. Thanks my friend.

  6. Lol, that was funny - thanks for the chuckle . . .

  7. LOL Good morning Special One, big bad man got his.
    I am off to see a Class C today. But it is going to be nasty today. We had lots of rain during the night, Stuck my head out the door and thought I was in the shower I hate humidity like that. yuck. reminds me of back east. So lets have some of that great coffee and I will bring some cookies.

  8. Such posts should carry a Govt health warning... "It could be injurious to your health to drink hot coffee while reading this post"

    The bilges of my keyboard will not hold much more coffee.

    That example is brilliant, had me chortling merrily.


  9. Hey Ken...
    Glad you enjoyed it, buddy!

    Have a good day and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Felinae...
    I'm lad that you found the story usable, and I never doubted for a minute that you would be the sort that would treat folks with respect!

    Glad you came by today...and I thank you for the kind comments!

    Hey Rae...
    I certainly appreciate such a fine compliment from a reader like you, Rae!

    I'm always glad when folks can find a little humor in something I post!

    Thanks for being a regular and for coming by today...

    Hey Anon 6:08...
    Good to see you again, my friend! I'm happy to oblige with the chuckle!

    Thanks for the visit...!

    Hey Scout...
    Good to see you this morning! I'm glad you found the post's always my pleasure to offer up a grin!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Hope the visit to the Motor home hunt turns out like you want it to!

    I totally understand about the humidity, believe me!

    Keep me posted on the happenings with the vehicle, OK?

  10. Hey AV...
    Sorry about the keyboard...I've done that a few times myself, believe me!

    I'm happy that you thought the example was good...and I thank you for coming by today!

  11. Just stopped by to say howdy.

  12. Hell, and I thought Chief would lapse into that old Conway Twitty song, "Hello Darling....

  13. Hey Vlad...
    A big Texas "Howdy" back at ya, my friend!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Catman...
    I guess the Chief was in survival mode and said the first thing that came to mind!

    Certainly would have been the perfect lead in for a country somg, wouldn't it?

    Hey, thanks for the visit, Catman...

  14. hahahaha...good one! I'm a little late for coffee today, Jim. Still wanted to check in and say hi to you!
    Have a grand day, my friend! It's a real "cooker" here today...woowee, feels like I'm in Texas!

  15. Hey Cath...
    Glad you could take the time to visit for a minute...

    The weather here is pretty hot every day lately. 80 degrees at 3 in the morning...and 100+ on the patio from noon on!

    Gotta love August in Texas! Hey, I appreciate you coming by!

  16. Hehehe hey hey Jim buddy

    That is very funny ... I can almost imagine the look on the Chiefs face on this one...

    Have a great day and thanks for the giggles n coffee ....

    Keep well.


  17. Hey Missi...
    Good to see you again, you traveling rascal, you...!

    Always glad to serve up some grins with my coffee...especially to my long time friends!

    Thanks so much for coming by, girl!

  18. I actually knew a guy who's last name was "Darling" when I was in the Navy. It provided endless hours of entertainment for me and the other girls. hehe

