Thursday, October 1, 2009

Am I Getting There Yet...?

I think least I feel like it sometimes!

For you youngsters, both of these songs were from a long time ago. I can still remember sitting in front of the radio, listening to them...and thinking that I would certainly NEVER get that old! Well, guess what?

It really doesn't matter to me how old I get, or how old others perceive me to be...if I can still do some of the things that I am tempted to do, ya know? However, I think this song, although funny, sums it up for a lot of us!

This song here is one that I remember very well from my childhood! I think that someday I may find my way to sitting in my old cabin, singing this song. I can think of a lot worse places to grow old, ya know?

After all, a house is just a memory that you live in, isn't it?

Guess it all boils down to what's important...the most important things in life for me are good memories to keep me warm, and a clear conscience to give me peace and comfort!

C'mon, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit. My old joints could use a bit of sunshine this morning!


  1. When I used to listen to my music, my parents would yell, "Turn that noise off!"

    When my daughter listens to her music, I want her to turn that noise off.


  2. HJ,
    Thanks for the smiles this morning.
    "I may get too old to cut the mustard, but I'll never be too old to lick the jar."

  3. Hey Catman...
    I wonder if they taught that in parents school, because it seems to be something that all parents share...a dislike for their kids' music!

    Just a part of growing up, I guess!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Jesse...
    That's pretty good! Made me smile! I haven't heard that expression before, but I'm gonna remember it, for sure...

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  4. Good morning my Special One, well I can't say I remember those songs. We didn't listen to country back east when I was young. but they are cute. Remember we don't get older we only get better, :)
    I have fresh ground coffee this morning so I will bring over the pot.

  5. Hey JoJo...
    I wouldn't expect a young thing like you to remember these little ditties!
    They go as far back as the '50s...

    Fresh ground coffee sounds great!

    Thanks for coming over, sweetie!

  6. I love "This old house"! But I have never heard it in english before. We still hear it on radio a couple of times in our biggest radio channel!

    I agree with You when it comes to what´s important!
    Have a great day now!

  7. Oh how the memories we have, some turn into treasures to endure us till the lights go out. When as a younster, would for hours play my parents 78's listening to the old time music. Thanks Hermit for popping this back into my head, and yes coffee is on me, on the porch

  8. Hey Christer...
    I think it's pretty cool that you have some of the same songs on the radio that used to be on here! Especially songs like "this Old House"...

    I'll bet it would sound different in your language to me.

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  9. Hey Gary...
    Really nice to revisit some of the old stuff once in a while, isn't it?

    I guess memories are whatever you let them be!

    Thanks for the visit, my man!

  10. Your most important items are mine too, but I would add telling those I care about I love them:)

  11. Hey Molly...
    That's a good thing to add, I have to admit!

    Glad you could drop by today...!

  12. I grow weary of the game, wishing only to work in my garden and soak up the rays of the Fall sun, having a hot cup of coffee (or tea) to sip on while absorbing the sounds of nature as it occurs around me (us).
