Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fun Fixing Your Turkey...!

To make your Thanksgiving a little more fun, I thought I would post an enjoyable way to fix your turkey! Enjoy...!

17 ways to cook a turkey
  1. Go buy a turkey
  2. Take a drink of whisky
  3. Put turkey in the oven
  4. Take another 2 drinks of whisky
  5. Set the degree at 375 ovens
  6. Take 3 more whiskys of drink
  7. Turk the bastey
  8. Whisky another bottle of get
  9. Ponder the meat thermometer
  10. Glass yourself a pour of whisky
  11. Bake the whisky for 4 hours
  12. Take the oven out of the turkey
  13. Floor the turkey up off of the pick
  14. Turk the carvey
  15. Get yourself another scottle of botch
  16. Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey
  17. Bless the dinner and pass out

Have a good Thanksgiving, everyone! Coffee and pumpkin pie on the patio...!


  1. Good morning Jim, I thought I would have a cup of joe with ya while I'm tending the bird. I put it on the pit at 5am and it already has a little color. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and a glass or two or three, aah gimme the bottle already- who needs a glass? Cheers!

  2. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! My Special One, and to all our Friends here on Mr Hermits Blog.
    And there is always time for pumpkin pie and coffee on the patio.

  3. Hmm...Mister Hermit, sir, no offense, but I think I'l stick to my usual method of cooking a bird!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Nanny and your rapscallion of a nephew, and anyone else you think could use crazed wishes of a good day today.

    Me? I need to get off me arse and get cooking!!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Mister Hermit....I asked Kyddryn for your blog address so I could follow your postings. I'm here at casa de crazy for the next couple of days to enjoy Thanksgiving with her and the evil genius. For them I am most thankful. Have a wonderful and delicious day.

  5. Hey SanJac...
    Good to see you again, my friend! Been a while...!

    Nothing like the weather co-operating long enough to cook outdoors, huh? I guess that's one good thing to be said about living this far south!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Good morning, sweetie! Pumpkin pie and coffee for my special friends, indeed! Glad to have you here this morning, dear!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey K...
    I do hope you and the family all have a glorious day! I'll pass on the thanksgiving good wishes to nanny and the nephew...they will appreciate it, I'm sure!

    Thanks for coming by today, lady!

  6. Hey Momlady...
    It is a true pleasure to welcome you here! Thanks so much for joining our happy little family!

    If you are a part of Lady K's life...then you are bound to be good people and always welcome at my table!

    I certainly appreciate you coming by today and hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. Happy Turkey Day to one and all.

    See Ya

  8. Hey Tony...
    Good morning to ya, my friend! I hope you have a great turkey day as well, buddy!

    Thanks for taking the time to drop by today...!

  9. Have a great Thanksgiving Jim!

    Watch out for those "wild turkeys". LOL


  10. Hey RW...
    Good to see you this morning, my friend! The good wishes are greatly appreciated this morning, believe me!

    Wild Turkey is, I hope, on the menu for you as well this fine day! It can be a very good thing on the menu when surrounded by "family" sometimes!

    Thanks so much for the visit... and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today, my friend!

  11. Ha! sounds like my kind of turkey baking!
    just kidding, but I do still like an occasional shot of George Dickel or Maker's Mark.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Hey ER...
    I do hope your Thanksgiving is a good one, my friend!

    A touch of good ol' snakebite medicine now and agin is not a bad thing...!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  13. ...Happy Thanksgiving Jim...

    ...(pssst, i'm copying this)...


  14. Hey Ken...
    And a happy Thanksgiving to you, buddy! Hope you had a good one!

    Feel free to copy away! Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!
