Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guess I'm Getting Old...!

Here is a little fun for you today!

Do you need eye glasses?

Look slowly and carefully at the picture below:

Did you see the rear end of the girl in the back?

If you did, then you need to have your EYES CHECKED!

That's the shoulder of the girl in front of her.

Man...it's hell getting old, huh? I better take another look...!

C'mon, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit outside...we can talk about the fact we may need new glasses!


  1. You know Hermit just look at the disparity in the size of the butt to the size of the girl above. I did have to look twice though it nearly fooled me. I will be going blind soon, Mother said so , a long, long time ago.

  2. hahahahaha!! Ohhhhh Jim! And I just got these glasses too!
    You have a fabulous day, my friend!

  3. LMAO.....And you said I was baaaadddd. Dirty minds think alike.

    See Ya

  4. Yep, me blind too, thats funny HermitJim!

  5. LMAO OH MY. I guess we all failed the eye test today.
    Good Morning My Special One, I don't even want to know where you found that. I think we may need to add something strong to our coffee this morning.
    You have a great day today.

  6. Hey tjbbpgobIII...
    You aren't the only one that had to look twice!

    I think that momma may have said something like that to me as well! Probably all of us!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Cath...
    Gotcha on that one, huh? Yep, the eyes can decieve us, for sure!

    I'm bad to pull something like this so early in the day, huh!

    Hey, thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Tony...
    I thought you'd like that one! It is pretty good, huh?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:12...
    Yeah, seems to be a lot of that going around this morning!

    Well, I guess we will at least have a lot of good company!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    Seems like we all need a little help this morning, doesn't it?

    Think I'll have a shot of that good stuff in my cup as well!

    Het, swweetie, thanks for coming over today!

  7. Fooled me for sure and I already have glasses.

  8. Hey Rae...
    Terrible when we KNOW what we saw, but it turns out to be something totally different!

    Guess the old saying is true..."believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see!"

    Hey, thanks for coming over today...!

  9. Nope, you're not crazy or blind Jim. I definately seen the same you were looking at, and if you did'nt correct it, I would still be lookin at it thinking it was a behind. lol.

  10. Hey Hermit...
    Maybe we are just spending WAY too much in the woods...and just need to get out more!

    Almost makes you wish that no one had told you it was a optical illusion, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

  11. LOL, HermitJim, you caught me, 'cause that sure didn't look like a shoulder to me. Wishful thinking, I guess...

  12. Well I am in the need of new glasses category also.
    Good one!

  13. Hey Coyote...
    Bad thing is...once you see it as the shoulder, you can't see the other! BUMMER! Sort of like finding out about Santa, ya know?

    Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

  14. Hey Rod..
    Good to see you, buddy! Don't feel bad! There were a lot of us that fell into that category!

    Kinda funny...but kinda sad as well! Gotta love those active imaginations!

    Thanks for coming over, my friend!

  15. A great one :-) :-) :-) In my defence I do need new glasses :-)
    Have a great day now!

  16. Hey Christer...
    Don't we all, Brother...don't we all!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  17. LOL! Was it bad eye sight or wishful thinking? ;-)

    Too funny!

  18. Heh...optical delusions...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  19. Hey Chief...
    I reckon that there was a lot of wishful thinking, for me as well as for you! Glad you liked it!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey K...
    Yep! Optical delusions sounds about right to me! Bu then, I've always been a bit delusional...just as anyone!

    Thanks for the visit, lady!

  20. Just goes to show what men think about most of the time... Got me totally.


  21. Hey AV...
    I guess you're right about that! I was really taken in when I first saw this...

    Entertainment at it's finest!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!
